I sighed and looked up at him. “But if you make something you’re proud of, and it happens to become a blockbuster, you’ll be okay with it? Because people might enjoy watching you and the films you make. And that’s something you should be proud of.”

He watched me as I spoke. It was a little unnerving, the way his eyes traveled over my face, my jaw, and lingered on my lips. “You’re right. And I need to be reminded of that. Regularly.” The smile he sent me stirred a solid covering of goose bumps down my neck and arms.

I couldn’t help the huge smile that spread across my face. “Good answer.” I sounded a bit breathless. His hand cupped my cheek and he leaned towards me. I could tell from the way his eyes fell to my lips, he was going to kiss me.

I stiffened, blinking at him rapidly. He cleared his throat and sat back, glancing about the table. All eyes were on us.

“Well, Josh, you certainly know how to dazzle a woman,” Shannon murmured.

“Those were some flowers. I imagine an arrangement like that would close a small florist down for the day,” my mother said.

Josh looked confused, so I interrupted. “Actually, they weren’t for me. Wrong room. They’ll pick them up this morning.”

He stared at our hands. Mine had tightened around his, but he didn’t say anything.

“Why would he send flowers to Mom, Grams?” Will asked.

“Because Josh is Mom’s—”

“Friend,” I interrupted Natalie, quickly slathered cream onto another scone and handed it to him. “Will, finish eating. We have lots to do today.”

“Are we going to find a dragon?” Will asked with wide eyes and flushing cheeks.

“Not today. But we’ll have fun, I promise.”


Shannon sat in the cream and blue silk wingback chair in our suite’s sitting room. “My feet hurt.”

“We did a lot of walking today,” Arthur agreed. “Did they get settled for the night?” he asked me as I closed the kids’ bedroom door behind me.

“Will almost fell asleep in the tub,” I said.

“I didn’t expect him to last that long,” Josh added. “He’s a solid little chap.”

Shannon rubbed her feet. “Tomorrow, whatever we do, less walking is at the top of my list.”

“I’ve an idea,” Helen said. “Take a double-decker bus tour? They’re loads of fun and easy on the feet.”

Arthur nodded. “I like the sound of that.”

My mother stood and stretched. “You decide and let me know in the morning. I know it’s early, but I’m too tired to think, let alone attempt conversation.” She smiled around the room. “Night, all.”

“Night,” I said, watching her close her door.

“I’m off too. Davey and the others are meeting at Irene’s for a bit.” Helen smiled at us.

Josh nodded. “Be careful.”

“You’ll get home okay?” she asked innocently.

He nodded, shooting a look at me.

Shannon waited until the door was shut behind Helen before asking, “So who were the flowers from?”

I frowned. “You don’t get the concept of off-limits conversation, do you?”

She smiled. “Um, no…”