I slipped from his arms and sat in the car quickly, fighting my disappointment. He smiled and shook his head before shutting the car door.

He was in the driver’s seat seconds later and pulling away from the curb, flying down the dimly lit streets. I stared at him, happy to be with him. His hand searched for mine. I took it, held it in both of mine. He kept driving, his eyes moving between the road and me. He seemed as uncertain as I was, and as happy, too. I hoped so.

What do I say? I missed you? I thought about you every day? I love you?

He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, feeling my heart kick up again.

He spoke softly. “Where to start?”

“I’m not sure.” There was nervous laughter in my voice.

“There’s lots to say.” He shifted the car, turning a corner and slowing.


He laughed. “I think so. I’m not certain where to begin.”

He pulled into a parking spot and turned toward me. His gaze—as intense as ever—swept my face. I felt naked, exposed, and beautiful beneath his hazel gaze. When his eyes lingered hungrily on my lips I whispered, “Kiss me.”

My lungs collapsed as he reached for me and pulled me against him. His hand slipped under my hair, tilting my head back for him. His lips were gentle, his breath a soft moan against mine. My hands slid around his shoulders, catching in his hair to pull him closer. I caught his lower lip in mine, and his lips parted. When his tongue entered my mouth, I gasped, my head spinning. It was a fiery kiss, leaving me burning for so much more.

One kiss wasn’t enough.

His lips fell to my neck and he whispered, “God, I’ve missed you.” One large hand slid down my back, pressing me tight against him. I needed to breathe but I didn’t want to let go of him.

But the others would arrive soon. And I didn’t want Natalie to find us like this. Or worse, find me in his lap…which was where I might end up if he kept nuzzling my neck.

I pushed gently against him, pulling in an unsteady breath. “I’ve missed you.”

His hands rested on my collarbone as his thumbs traced my jaw. He stared down at me, his smile making me throb all over again. I smiled back, completely willing to stay wrapped up like this.

A cab pulled up and they were here.

“That’s a good start,” he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead before climbing out of the car and coming round to open my door. We converged before the pastry shop, huddled together against the brisk evening breeze.

Shannon held the door open for us. “Natalie, we need to get something to take back to Arthur. Don’t let me forget. He’s a pastry addict.”

“Sweets” was a brightly colored pastry and coffee shop. Mismatched cups, saucers, and silverware were stacked haphazardly on the main counter. There was music playing, in a language I didn’t recognize, and black and white photos of confections decorated the plaster walls.

The woman behind the counter nodded in our general direction before turning back to her well-read paperback novel. We pushed two tables together and sat.

“Nat, help me pick out a box?” Helen asked.

Natalie jumped up and the two of them began evaluating the array of sweets. I watched them, two lovely young women who could, in all probability, be sisters.

Daniel’s implication that Josh was more suitable for Natalie’s boyfriend raced through my head. I knew there was an age difference, but it wasn’t that big. Was it? Was I some dirty old lady? I began to chew on my lip.

“Happy to see her?” Shannon’s question interrupted my declining thoughts. I looked questioningly at her, then Josh. He was watching me, a serene expression on his gorgeous face.

“Very.” He took my hand.

I’m not old. I might be a little dirty. And I couldn’t remember the last time I was so happy.

“Do you have plans for tomorrow?” he asked, his eyes resting on my face.

“Changing of the guard and Jubilee Gardens, possibly.” I watched his hands, wrapped around mine. Was it wrong that his touch felt this good? “Though Will might argue, if there’s not the slightest possibility of finding a dragon.”

“Maybe riding the London Eye will make up for it,” Mom interjected.