I knew.

“Mom?” Natalie’s voice reached me. She sounded ready to burst.

And as I turned around, I saw why.

Chapter Nine

Hazel eyes met mine, heavy and warm. Without reservation or uncertainty or embarrassment, without wavering, Josh stared at me.

I was done for. There were over two hundred people milling about, but I saw only him.

Every inch of me tensed, stretching to meet him. As uncertain as I felt, I found myself moving toward him. There was no way I was not going to him.

He met me halfway. His throat constricted as he swallowed. His eyes traveled over my hair, my face, my dress, but he didn’t say anything. His hand came up, one finger touching the compass. His smile knocked the breath from my lungs.

I bit my lip, flooded with pure happiness. And love.

He was gorgeous. His black sports coat hung just right over a blinding white dress shirt. He wore no tie, so his neck was exposed. I let my eyes linger on the rapid pulse in his throat.

His knee-weakening smile appeared, and I honestly thought my knees might give way. But his hands found mine, clasping them firmly in his.

My hold tightened around his.

He took a deep breath. “Hello.” His voice was husky, sending shivers over my skin.

“Hi.” I could hear the smile in my voice.

His hands squeezed mine. The lights in the lobby flickered on and off. Or I was about to pass out. Either option was a possibility at the moment.

“That’s their subtle way of telling us we need to go find our seats,” Shannon said. “We’ll meet you inside?”

I took a deep breath and tore my gaze away from his, nodding my head. This wasn’t California. I wasn’t alone. I turned to find my daughter staring at us in complete shock. Her blue eyes were almost as huge as the smile on her face.

At least she’s smiling.

I cast a quick glance at my mother. She was quiet, her expression mixed.

I pulled one hand from him but held on to the other. I had to keep it together. I had to act like a mature woman, not a girl crazy in love. But I wasn’t ready to let go of him.

His hand squeezed mine, encouraging me. “We’ll come too,” he spoke quickly. His voice broke the spell.

I sounded calm as I made introductions. “Mom, this Josh Wiley. Josh, this is my mother, Marty Foster. Nat, I’m guessing you were already introduced?”

Natalie nodded. Her blue eyes bounced between me and Josh as she pondered what this might mean.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He turned a charming smile on my mother and offered his free hand. His sincere warmth melted her trepidation. “And this is my sister, Helen.”

Helen Wiley, like the other three women present, was watching the exchange with genuine curiosity. Her hazel eyes, similar to her brother’s, regarded me with affection as she hugged me quickly. “I’ve heard so much about you, Claire.”

I recognized her. The beautiful blonde from the magazine—she was his sister. “Really?” My voice still sounded funny.

He squeezed my hand again and I cast a glance at him. He winked.

“So you’re our date tonight?” Shannon asked him.

“If you don’t mind?” he asked.

“Do we?” Shannon looked at Natalie, waiting. Natalie shook her head, blushing furiously.