??I’ll go change.” The three of them had had a wonderful spa treatment, manicures, and pedicures while I took Will to the park to run. Between his youthful energy and my nerves, it made more sense to play and run than sit still for pampering. Then it was my turn to get ready.

I applied my makeup carefully, clipping on some dangling golden chandelier earrings and lightly spraying my perfume. My hair hung down my back in thick, silken curls.

Josh liked my curls.

As I stared at myself, I saw a flush creep over my skin. I touched the golden disk on its black cord, tied around my neck.

Soon. My heart began to thump.

I finished dressing then joined them in the common room. Arthur and Will were already digging into a cheese pizza, eyes glued on the large TV screen and their game choices.

Will’s eyes were red-rimmed, but the promise of hours of video games was too much to pass up. I kissed him on the top of the head. “Not too late, Will. You look pretty tired, kiddo.”

“Aw, Mom,” Will started, but I cocked my imperious mom eyebrow and he nodded.

Arthur eyed us appreciatively. “You ladies look fantastic.”

Shannon winked at him. “We do, don’t we?”

“That’s sweet of you, Uncle Arthur.” Natalie tried to sound cool, but her nerves made her squeak.

“Arthur, would you mind taking a picture?” Mom handed Arthur her camera, we posed, and he clicked.

“Here.” I took Nat’s phone. “Just you, for your dad.” I took the picture and handed the phone back to Natalie.

I kissed Will, giving him a goodnight hug. He informed me I was interrupting his gaming flow, which made Arthur burst out laughing. I wished him luck. They didn’t look up as we left the room.

Bundled up and chattering excitedly, we made our way to the lobby and the black taxicab waiting for us.

Nat’s eyes looked like they would pop from her head at any minute. “Is anyone majorly famous going to be there, Shannon?”

“Everyone should be.” Shannon shot me a look, butterflies filling my stomach at her words. “But I’m not one hundred percent.”

When we arrived, it was like déjà vu—the flashes, the screams, the press. “We’ll meet you inside,” I told Shannon, deciding it was best to forgo the red carpet this time, though I wasn’t in stilettos either.

“Okay, but let me take Nat with me. I won’t leave her, no worries!” She took Nat’s arm in the crook of hers, whispering in the girl’s ear. Natalie giggled, holding tightly to Shannon as they blended into the crowd.

Mom said, “This is crazy.”

“I know. We can coast along behind them.” I pointed to Shannon and Natalie forging ahead. “Unless you want to be interviewed?”

“Coasting, quickly. Please.”

We made it to the front doors and waited in the lobby for Nat and Shannon.

So far I was managing not to hyperventilate. I shifted from one foot to the next, fidgeting with the compass tied around my neck. I felt fairly confident I wouldn’t attack him when he arrived, as long as he didn’t smile his dazzling smile or look exceptionally gorgeous.

I sighed. The odds were against me.

“Claire?” My mother regarded me, suspicious. “Is there something I need to know?”

I felt a telltale heat flood my cheeks. “I don’t know yet.”

She arched an eyebrow. “But there might be?”

I took a deep breath. “There might be.” I waited, knowing she would badger me into telling her more than I was ready to share. But she didn’t.

She was staring past me, over my shoulder, at the front door.