“I don’t think she’s had much of a chance to really start feeling retired yet. I had to go all needy on her,” I said.

Mom shrugged. “It’s nice to feel needed, sweetie.”

We arrived at the hotel, the Ritz, and I suffered a minor panic attack.

“Really, Shannon?” I stared at the elegant front doors with complete incredulity. “Will is five years old. His staying at the Ritz is like the proverbial bull in a china shop.”

“Only Will is adorable. Anyway, you’ll have to complain to Arthur. He knows how to work the whole Hollywood connection thing and apparently this is where we ended up.” She wasn’t fazed.

Will was in awe. “Mom, is this the queen’s house?”

“No, silly, this is where we’re going to be staying.” Natalie was obviously more than happy with the arrangement. “I bet you can get your spa treatment here, Grams.”

My mother smiled. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

The look of sublime anticipation on my mother’s face made me swallow my reticence about our lodging. They hadn’t just had the California vacation I had; they deserved something fantastic. And I needed to relax.

After checking in, and holding Will’s hand at all times, we made our way to our rooms. Our suite had a gorgeous view of Green Park, plenty of bedrooms, and a bathroom I didn’t have to share with the kids. Maybe staying at the Ritz wasn’t going to be too bad after all.

Once we were relatively settled, our travel books emerged. Cameras and jackets in hand, we were ready to begin our adventure.

“Off to the Tower of London!” Will could hardly wait. He hoped to find a man in chains in the dungeon, or the skeleton of a man in chains in the dungeon. I promised him we would check all of the chains.

An afternoon of happy mayhem commenced.


That night was the London premiere of Stellar Siege.

Surrounded by three coiffed and beautified ladies, I sat contemplating my exhausted appearance in the mirror. I could barely wait to get there, to see Josh. But I looked horrid.

“Well, Arthur is thrilled he gets to skip out on tonight.” Shannon patted my shoulder, looking at me in the mirror. “You made his day, seriously. So stop worrying. You don’t have to get a sitter.”

“Don’t you want Arthur to go with you?” I chewed my lip and regarded her in the mirror. I didn’t want to look at my reflection. I had terrible bags under my eyes.

Shannon laughed. “Arthur hates these kinds of things. Hates them. He came for the trip, not this.”

“I can stay.” Mom was brushing Natalie’s hair. “I’m pretty tired.”

Natalie used her most pleading voice. “Grams, you have to come.”

“Marty, Nat’s right. You do have to go.” Shannon applied some lip gloss. “If I admit that Arthur’s idea of a cool evening is playing Guitar Hero with a five-year-old, does he lose some respectability?”

“No, actually, he gets more,” I said.

Natalie spun in front of the full-length mirror, delighted. She looked beautiful. It was hard to see her like this, tall and willowy, almost a woman. Except that most adults don’t bounce up and down or clap their hands in excitement. Natalie had been doing just that for the last hour. And she was twitching with excitement over the impending glitz and glamour.

“What are you wearing?” Shannon asked me. She looked pointedly at my jeans and long-sleeved T-shirt. “I mean, you are planning to change?”

“Really? I’m so comfortable…” I arched an eyebrow.

Natalie stared in horror. “Mom, that’s so not cool.”

“I’m changing, I’m changing.” I pinched Natalie’s cheek. “I have the black dress we bought together. Will that work?”

“Sounds good.” Shannon nodded. “And I have a black velvet wrap so you won’t freeze.”
