There was a long pause before the reporter responded. “Well… Wow. Would you care to tell us who the lucky lady is?”

I couldn’t breathe.

He laughed. “No. I’ve said too much already.”

Jennifer continued to stare at him open-mouthed.

“Well… Congratulations! On the film and the relationship,” the reporter said.

“Thank you.” His smile was huge.

A scream went up from the crowd and he waved, his smile in full force.

“Who is the lucky woman? Is it a co-star? His old flame Fiona? Or is this a studio publicity stunt to promote the film?” The show’s host was standing in front of a giant picture of Josh, his smile crinkling the corners of his hazel eyes. She continued, but I was too busy staring at him to hear what she was saying.

“Nat’s going to be excited,” Mom said.

I jumped at the sound of my mother’s voice. All of the mail in my lap fell to the floor.

“Sorry, sweetie.” She laughed. “Any idea who he’s talking about?”

I felt myself flush and stooped to pick up the mail from the floor. I wasn’t up for this conversation, not yet.


I shook my head quickly, carefully avoiding her eyes. “Not really.” I peeked at her, hoping she’d drop it.

Her eyes narrowed and a small smile tugged at her mouth, but she turned her attention back to the TV.

What had possessed him to declare himself so very publicly? The last thing he needed to do was stir things up, not when he was going to be in the limelight for the next few months.

And what if someone else came along? My chest tightened at the thought. If our time together was just that and nothing more, I didn’t want him to have any negative backlash.

At the same time…I was hopelessly afloat and ridiculously happy. I was very aware of how far apart we were at that moment and that my damn phone was broken if he tried to reach me. But that was the way it was for now.

I needed to find something else to focus on. I reached for my computer and flipped it open.

My mailbox had some new additions. Frank Graham had sent an appreciation email with a finalized copy of the contract. He asked me to call him with possible book tour dates as soon as possible. They were hoping to release the book next summer. Next summer? That was quick.

There was a message from Shannon as well. After witnessing my meltdown this morning, she’d decided that a trip to London was what we all needed for Spring Break. She could get us all passes to the London premiere and discounts on everything since she was with the studio.

She’d been busy. Her email contained the links to several hotels in London and flight information. All I had to do was click the button to accept them. I closed the email, then the computer.

“I guess I’m going to bed, Mom,” I said, still fidgeting.

She smiled up at me as I kissed her on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re home, sweetie. Get some sleep.”

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the hot water. A long hot shower was my first priority, then assessing the kids’ week and making sure everything was on track. I lathered my hair, my thoughts rambling as I finished my shower, somewhat refreshed.

I wrapped a towel around myself, ran some leave-in conditioner through my hair, and began picking out the tangles. I searched through my toiletries bag for some lotion and found a long slim black box.

I pulled it from the bag and walked into my room, sitting on my bed. My fingers shook slightly as I flipped open the lid, revealing a beautiful gold locket on a black cord. I pulled it from its box and let it spin.

Only it wasn’t a locket. It was a compass.

A beautiful golden compass with a small light blue topaz indicating north. It was inscribed:

Follow your heart