All in all, Will had an uneventful week at school but had decided he hated social studies because it was boring. And one of his substitute teachers smelled funny.

Natalie took much longer. She didn’t spare details and it had been a long week.

We were halfway home when Will asked, “What was your favorite part of this week?”

The flash of Josh’s face, demanding a promise from me this morning, made me flush a little. It made my heart thump in protest. I looked into the back seat, precious faces waiting eagerly. It was close.

“Right now, coming home,” I said to them.

“Oh, please, Mom. You met famous people. I mean, not Jake Gyllenhaal or Taylor Lautner, but Josh Wiley! Met him…actually talked to him.” Natalie’s voice rose a bit with each word.

And kissed him, spent the night talking to him, listened to him sing by firelight. I’d fallen in love with him. But I said only, “I did, yes. And we went to the premiere of Stellar Siege and the premiere party, too. It was a really…amazing night.” More amazing than they’d ever need to know.

“That’s when Aunt Shannon sent me your photo, right?” Natalie was all ears. “Come on, Mom, details.”

“The rest of my trip was great too. Spa treatments, shopping, and dancing. Oh, and I met Aunt Shannon’s husband.” Shannon figured it would be easier to explain it to the kids that way.

“Shannon’s married?” My mother cocked an incredulous eyebrow.

I wrinkled my nose at her and stared at her pointedly. “He’s a wonderful man. They’re just precious. Anyway, there were lots of shopping trips and some neat places for lunch and dinner. We went dancing one night and had a bonfire on the beach another.”

“It sounds like the perfect vacation, sweetie.” Mom looked like she had more to say.

I continued to answer questions as we drove. Natalie was relentless.

I couldn’t help the familiar anxiousness that crept into my stomach as we pulled into our subdivision. My eyes narrowed as I scanned the streets, but his truck wasn’t there. Because he’s in India, remember? Repeating that made it easier to breathe.

As the car turned onto our street, my eyes wandered along the familiar houses, streetlights, and basketball hoops. It looked exactly the same—while I felt completely different.

We pulled into the garage and began unloading my things. I helped the kids get the suitcases from the car and into my bedroom. Will began bouncing on the bed, waiting for me to open the suitcases.

“Okay, give me a little bit of room.” I laughed, unzipping Shannon’s suitcase and catching it before it slid to the floor.

Will landed on the bed and crossed his legs. “Criss-cross, applesauce…” he sang.

I pulled their packages from the suitcase. Will was entranced with his new Stellar Siege laser guns. Natalie loved the rhinestone Hollywood shirt and map of the stars’ homes. Mom was pleased with the purple ensemble I’d found for her. Shannon had sent her a film press bag too.

A manila mail envelope labeled “Natalie” caught my eye at the same time Natalie saw it.

“What’s that?” Natalie grabbed it up. Everyone watched as she squealed over the envelope’s contents. “Oh, Mom.” Natalie smiled brightly. “This is so getting posted on my Facebook page. I’m going to have to make a copy, too. I can’t believe he touched you, Mom.” Natalie was talking ninety to nothing, offering the photo to her grandmother.

My mother read: XOXO to Natalie—Josh. She tilted it so that Will and I could see it.

Natalie continued. “Wow, Mom. Seriously?”

In a thick black frame, signed with his wild scrawl, was a picture of Josh and me on the beach. We were both laughing a little, his arm casually draped over my shoulder. He was so beautiful, with his carefree crinkling smile.

My heart twisted sharply and I looked back into my suitcase. It didn’t surprise me that he would think of Natalie. I missed him.

“Get your homework done while your mom unpacks. I’ll get dinner ready.” My mom took the picture from Natalie, but didn’t say anything.

I didn’t look up as I started hanging clothes and unpacking into my dresser. “Thanks for everything, Mom.” I smiled at her.

My mother was still looking at the photo. I looked away, tearing my eyes from the picture before I could see him again, before my feelings became obvious.

She examined my face, curiosity evident. “I’m happy to give you a break.”

Will came bouncing back into the bedroom. “I know what we should make for dinner!”