I met his gaze. He didn’t doubt his feelings. How much longer could I ignore mine?

But what happened next, now that time and space would put us back into our own worlds, might change that. If it did, there shouldn’t be any guilt. I wouldn’t make any promises that we might regret. My throat felt pinched as I let my eyes wander slowly over his face.

I couldn’t speak, so I placed my hand against his cheek. He grabbed me to him, kissing me and holding me tight. He inhaled deeply, his face buried in my hair. I clung to him, burying my nose against his chest, capturing his scent, the feel of him,

one last time.

“I’m not saying goodbye.” His voice was firm, challenging me to argue.

I smiled at him, but said nothing.

He took my hand and led me to the car. The chauffeur was totally blank-faced as he opened the door, but Shannon was not. She stared at us, shock on her face.

“Shannon.” He nodded at her as I climbed into the car beside her. His eyes traveled over me once more, and he smiled his most beautiful smile. “I love you, Claire. I’ll see you in London.”

The door shut and my control evaporated. As we pulled away, I looked back. He was standing in the sheet, his hand wiping away a tear that fell freely down his cheek. My heart twisted at the unconcealed emotion on his face.

I don’t want to go. Oh God, I don’t want to leave him. I realized too late. An unexpected sob broke from my chest as my heart tried to escape.

I turned to Shannon.

“Breathe, Claire, just breathe.” She pulled me into her arms and I cried the entire way to the airport.


“Mom!” Natalie squealed.

Will came hurling across the baggage claim area, a small green puffy-coated torpedo.

I was covered with exuberant wet kisses. I hugged them to me, happy to have them in my arms. “I’ve missed you monsters so much!”

“We missed you too.” Natalie smiled, taking my laptop bag.

“What did you bring us?” Will was always good at getting to the point.

“Some airplane peanuts,” I teased.

He rolled his eyes. “Funny, Mom.”

“I try.” I ruffled his hair.

Mom hugged me. “Welcome back.”

I hugged her. “Thanks.”

“Here, these are for you.” Natalie handed me a bouquet of flowers. “Your favorite, right? Dad had to call all over to find them since they aren’t in season yet.”

I looked at my mother with raised eyebrows. She shrugged.

The luggage conveyor belt started moving, so we moved our little reunion toward the baggage carousel.

“Mom?” I felt Will pull on my hand and I bent down to hear him. “I missed you a lot.” He kissed me soundly.

“I missed you too, Will, very, very much.” I picked him up, hugging him to me. My purse slipped from my grasp, its contents dumping everywhere.

My cell phone hit the hard tile floor before it could be saved. It flashed, beeped, and then went dark. It was dead, broken. I sighed, put it in my pocket, and decided to worry about that later. We shoved everything back into my purse and moved on to the baggage claim.

Collecting my suitcase and Shannon’s loaner was easy. Deciphering the buzz of overlapping conversations was not. They’d decided that they would take turns telling me about their week. But Will would think of things as soon as Natalie started, so there was a good deal of story re-telling.