“I’m trying,” Josh quipped back.

Shannon’s eyes grew round as saucers.

“We should do something to celebrate.” I took the cup from Josh, sipping once before I handed it back. He sat on one of the kitchen stools and pulled me between his legs.

“Celebrate?” Josh looked back and forth between the two of us.

“Shannon is moving in with her man.”

“Congratulations, Shannon.” He nodded at her. “How do you celebrate shacking up, exactly?”

“Normally you throw a housewarming party, but…” My face fell.

“But you’re leaving tomorrow morning,” Shannon finished for me. “And you still have to make yourself the mother of all pros and cons list so you can head home with an idea of what’s next for Claire Collins. Or does mother know best?”

I felt their eyes on me and savored a sip of coffee. “I think,” I said slowly, “I’m going to publish my book.”

“You’re sure?” Josh asked.

“Yes. I think so.” My voice sounded more confident than I felt.

Josh squeezed me and Shannon clapped her hands. “That, sweetheart, is something to celebrate. Arthur and I are homebodies; a party wouldn’t fit. But this…we should do something to commemorate your trip and your impressive book deal.”

“I need to do some of the more touristy things so I have pictures to take home to the kids. The ones I have are going to be sadly disappointing.” I plugged my camera into the laptop then took the coffee from Josh.

“Busy day?” Shannon asked Josh. “I guess you can tag along. But then we have to worry about all of your stalkers with cameras.” She did an imitation shudder.

He gave a lopsided grin. “I’ve a meeting with my agent this morning, finalize some contracts of my own. I’m going with my assistant’s recommendation and passing on the car piece.”

She looked at him. “When did you get an assistant?”

I glanced at him, taking another sip before he could grab the cup. He peeked into it sadly. “You don’t share very well.” He sighed. “Yesterday. She—” He looked at me meaningfully. “—fell asleep while reading it. Not the best endorsement.”

Shannon laughed. “It sucked!”

I took the cup from him and refilled it, adding some cream and sugar. I handed it to him and was rewarded with another lopsided grin and an arched brow. He took a sip and smiled. “That’s very nice.”

“I’m going to get dressed.” Shannon watched the exchange. “You two say your goodbyes and we’ll go do some star map tour thing or something, okay? If you wrap things up, Josh, feel free to join us—incognito if possible, please.” She waved at Josh then disappeared down the hall to her room.

Our eyes met, mine shy, his serious. I waited for him to break the silence, but he seemed content to stare.

My camera beeped and I went over to unhook it. A slideshow began on the laptop screen, the images making me freeze. I felt Josh come to stand beside me. His hand slipped around my waist, pulling my back against his chest to hold me gently against him.

“Look at that,” he said softly.

“Yeah, you’re beautiful…” I muttered.

Three pictures from the beach that first day together. I was so happy to have them now.

We looked good, relaxed and somewhat smitten with each other. I looked ridiculously happy, but he did too.

I glanced at him, still surprised by him, here, with me. He kissed me quickly, then let go of me. He plugged his phone into my computer then.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“If I’m not going to see you for a bit, I’d like a picture to keep with me. Maybe I won’t miss you as much, but I doubt it.” His hazel eyes seemed to trace every feature, line, and curve of my fa

ce before he kissed my forehead. He checked his phone then slid it shut.