But his face…his face made the picture provocative. He was looking at me the way he looked at me: intense, curious, and interested. His hand was on my back, a half-smile on his face.

The caption beneath read: Hollywood star Josh Wiley with an industry unknown, enjoying each other on the red carpet. The two later attended the movie premiere party. It’s rumored that both stayed overnight at the Hotel Del Mar, the site of the event.

I handed the computer back to Shannon. “Daniel didn’t like that there was something publically suggested. He was worried about the kids and press.”

“Yeah, the ER trips from your ‘accidents’ were such a breeze to explain away,” Shannon bit out.

I stared at Shannon, unable to hide my irritation at her remark.

“Are you okay, Claire?” Josh interjected softly.

I let my eyes search his face, but tore them away before I could get lost in his hazel gaze. I nodded.

Shannon sighed. “Okay, okay. I’m just wondering when he gets to stop having a say over you.”

“Maybe we should give Claire a moment?” Josh’s jaw hardened and he regarded Shannon sternly.

“Thanks,” I mumbled as I made my escape to the bathroom. I closed the door and leaned back against it briefly.

I stared at myself in the mirror, running a hand over my face and neck. The tension was there like always following any conversation with Daniel. It wasn’t too bad. I wasn’t throwing up or crying like I used to. Someday, I knew, talking to him wouldn’t affect me at all.

This was not that day.

I sighed.

Things had gotten more than a little out of hand. I hated arguing, especially with Shannon. I knew she had only the best of intentions, as misguided as they were.

And Josh… It was more than chemistry between us. I enjoyed talking to him, spending time with him. I regarded myself in the mirror, shaking my head at the telling flush that flooded my cheeks. My blue eyes were wide, sparkling.

Considering the conversation I’d just had with my ex-husband, I looked pretty peaceful and happy.

How ridiculous to have a crush at my age.

I walked back into the sitting room to find Josh lying across the couch, reading.

“Okay.” I sat on the couch at his feet. “If you still want to share, bring on the scripts.”

Josh sat up and threw a script to me. “If you insist.”

“I insist.” I looked at the title, Speed Demon, and arched an eyebrow at him.

“I didn’t write it.” He caught my hand, pulling me against his side with a sigh. “All right?” he whispered against my hair.

“Sorry you had to sit through all of that.” I shot him an apologetic smile, relaxing against him.

He looked down at me. “Why?”

“Somehow I doubt you’d have come back if you’d known this kind of drama was waiting.”

He grew serious, his voice thick as he spoke. “It doesn’t change anything.”

I stared at him, amazed.

He touched my face. “I’m sorry if my being here made it more difficult for you.”

Shannon walked through the room, carrying a towering pastry concoction covered with whipped cream. “We’re having dessert first tonight.” She placed the cake on the table in front of me. “We could sing, but you know I can’t carry a tune.”

I shook my head. “You don’t have to, Shannon. You did