I was suddenly aware of a tear dangling from my nose. My voice was quivering as I spoke. “I’m a private person. Well, maybe not to you. I can’t seem to shut up around you.” I mumbled to a stop as I sniffed.

He studied my expression. “I bludgeoned you into sharing. I feel like an utter ass now. Poorly done on my part.” He pulled me back into his arms and kissed me soundly.

I melted against him.

“Don’t cry.” He kissed me again, and again. His hand settled against my cheek and he peered down at me. I could only imagine my red nose and mottled cheeks. I get all blotchy when I cry.

“Come on. A hot shower and some tea will make things less gloomy.” He took my hand, leading me around until we found the guest suite and a bathroom.

He sat me on the stool before the mirror, leaned into the shower and turned on the hot water. I was sniffling a little, but trying desperately to stop.

He seemed saddened by the obvious battle I was having with my emotions. He helped me undress, his hands growing unsteady and lingering by the time I stood before him in my skimpy black lace bra and underwear.

He pulled me into his embrace unsteadily. His hands moved up and down my back until I was completely relaxed in his hold. “I’m going to make you a cup of tea. Or coffee. Whatever I can find,” he whispered, dropping a kiss on my neck.

My breath was a little shaky as I nodded against his chest.

His voice was soft against my ear. “Claire?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“If it’s all right with you, I’ll go get the scripts and come back.”

I felt a smile spread across my face as I glanced up at him. “Reading scripts, with hot tea…or coffee.”

“You’re sure? It’s not infringing on birthday plans?”

I shook my head. “No. I hope you like Chinese. It’s my favorite.”

“I do. I’ll let you take your shower and I’ll be back shortly.” He kissed me quickly, then slipped from the bathroom with one last lingering look at my black lace ensemble. He groaned as he shut the door, making me smile in spite of everything.

Chapter Five

Shannon’s overstuffed couch was really comfortable. I must have fallen asleep, again. I was curled up in my blue silk pajamas, feeling slightly disoriented but very comfy on the couch’s super-soft pillows.

Someone was talking, softly, but I could hear them.

“She’ll be pissed, you know that,” Shannon said.

“Very likely,” Josh said. It sounded like he was smiling.

“Why are you interested?” Shannon never worried about asking questions. “I mean, I know she’s an amazing woman. But you’re kind of breaking the whole one night stand concept by sticking around.”

I waited. I had been wondering the same thing. Not that I minded he was sticking around. I liked it—which was worrying.

“I…like her. She’s lovely.”

My heart thumped in my chest.

“I don’t have a plan, Shannon. I’m doing what,” he paused, “what feels right. What I want to do. And that’s being here,” he added. “I’m living in the moment, something Claire feels very strongly about.”

“She was encouraging you to live in the moment? Claire?” Shannon sighed loudly, sounding irritated.

“She’s made me think about things a bit differently—”

Shannon interrupted. “She’s really good at helping other people through their neuroses, but she’s terrible about self-examination and introspection.”

“Are you implying that I’m neurotic?” There was laughter in his voice.