
“Miss Collins, you have your first treatment at ten. Raul will be at your room in the next few minutes to accompany you to your mud bath. It’s your first spa treatment. Please wear the robe on the back of your bathroom door.”

“Mud bath?” It didn’t sound all that luxurious to me.

“Yes. Followed by a deep body massage, then lunch and yoga,” the chipper voice stated.

“Okay.” I sighed. Why not? “I’ll be ready.”

Josh’s arm slipped around my waist as he dropped a kiss on my neck. He whispered, “Happy birthday, Claire.” His breath was on my neck as I hung up the phone, a shiver shooting up my back as he added, “Enjoy your mud.”

Chapter Four

Encased in herbal-scented mud, I fell into a restoring sleep.

After a deep muscle massage, I dozed again when warm rocks were placed on my


I ate lunch and enjoyed yoga. Though I’d never tried it before, there was something very controlled but leisurely about it, two things I didn’t often feel at home.

After yoga, I went back to my room to find it set to rights. There weren’t any physical reminders of the previous evening, but images of golden eyes and strong hands filled my mind and senses as I gathered my things. I packed my bag and had it taken to the front desk until I was ready to leave.

I’d dressed in some of my newly-acquired Shannon-approved clothes: jeans that fit like a glove, a white lace camisole, and silk shirt the color of tawny sand. I stared at this put-together version of myself in astonishment. Who knew I could be so fashionable?

My hair was another matter altogether. The ironing and heavy-duty conditioning of yesterday had disappeared. Thick auburn curls hung crazily down my back, the humidity making them impossibly bouncy.

I took my camera and decided to explore. I shot several photos, things I could take back and share with the kids. I’d been avoiding the fact that eventually leaving here was ending what was the most surreal and surprising experience of my life.

I felt a lump in my throat as I walked along the beach. I heard his voice echoing in my memory: I want to kiss you. Goose bumps covered my skin, my stomach tightened, and my pulse thumped wildly.

I sat cross-legged on the sand. Surrounded by the soothing sounds of the ocean, I let my thoughts wander. I didn’t know where my future was headed, but I realized something: my needs and wants were normal; they were important. I wanted to enjoy life, to live it. I wanted to…to start anew.

I saw Josh from the corner of my eye, walking toward my spot on the sand. He smiled at me, the wind catching his mussed hair and blowing it crazily.

My heart kicked up. I was thankful to him. Our time together had reminded me that there was more to life, if you were open to it. I hoped that our time together gave him something, too.

He sat beside me. “Find any answers?” His voice was soft.

“I’m considering possibilities.” I shrugged, trying to dismiss my giddiness. After last night, it seemed normal that he’d make me feel so warm and soft and desirable, right? I pondered this, chewing my lip.

“What possibilities?” He leaned back on his elbows.

“Infinite possibilities. I’m looking for my North Star,” I continued vaguely, meeting his warm hazel eyes with a smile.

“As a point of reference? Are you planning to navigate by the stars? A compass might be a bit more practical.” He studied me, not in the least bit teasing.

I took a deep breath. The penetrating depth of his gaze was a bit unnerving. “How was your meeting?” I asked.

He reached over and pushed the hair from my shoulder. “Fine. I found myself a bit distracted.”

I looked at him curiously. “By?”

His eyebrow shot up. “You.” He smiled as I blushed, then leaned forward to drop a soft kiss on my mouth.

My lips clung to his, inviting more. My hand stroked his cheek as his arms came around me, pulling me onto his lap.

He pulled back with a slow smile. “Still avoiding conversation? I’m not complaining about the technique, mind you.”