I was acutely aware of Josh, of the fact that we were alone. My eyes lingered on his lower lip, mere inches from me. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Josh said softly. His hands slid from my shoulders, putting some distance between us. “In a way I feel like I know you.” A slow and slightly flush-inducing smile spread across his face as he continued. “You’re a bit of a personal hero for Shannon. You come up often in conversation.” He watched me as he spoke, watched as I fiddled with the buttons on his jacket.

“Really?” Shannon’s been talking about me? That probably wasn’t good.

“I was curious to meet you, this tower of strength and inspiration that Shannon’s so devoted to. I imagined someone slightly intimidating and world-weary,” he said. “Nothing at all like you. You’re a complete surprise. She didn’t do you justice.”

I was shocked and more than a little pleased by his compliment. It took an effort to speak, let alone sound normal, as I said, “She says a lot of things—some she probably shouldn’t.” I shivered at another gust of wind.

He moved closer, trying to shield me from the breeze. “You must be freezing.”

“A little, but not enough to head back.” I took a deep breath, hesitated. “That—” I glanced at the party in full swing. “—is a different world than the one I live in.”

He laughed. “I couldn’t agree more.”

“Really? This isn’t a normal evening out for you?” I assumed this was a typical Hollywood event, the kind of thing a new talent would regularly attend.

“I stay in LA as little as possible. I prefer making the trek back and forth from London to Los Angeles.”

I looked at him curiously. “Not a fan of LA?”

“It was exciting for the first week or so. Having girls—and some chaps—camp outside my apartment, receiving suggestive texts and marriage proposals. Having undergarments thrown at me was a bit of an ego boost, I will admit. But it’s been more than two months now and it’s less amusing and more frustrating. I mean, people have tried to cut off locks of my hair, tear off my clothes… It’s a sort of dream-turned-nightmare scenario.” He pushed breeze-blown hair from his face. “A ‘different world’ is a bit of an understatement.”

I looked up at him, his annoyed face unintentionally comical. I laughed.

He stared down at me, surprised. “I make you laugh,” he noted, a brilliant smile spreading across his handsome face.

“Sorry, I—I don’t laugh very often, actually.” I continued before I could analyze his expression. “I imagine your viewpoint is fairly unique. I mean, I agree that it’s weird, but isn’t it part of the star package?”

He gazed back at the party, growing faint behind us as we walked slowly down the beach. “I’ve no interest in being a movie star.”

At hearing the frustration in his voice, I shot him a perplexed look.

He laughed a little. “I just want to be an actor.”

“Okay… I guess there is a difference. But feel free to elaborate.”

“When I’m home, I’m me. I go out with my mates, hang out at pubs, go to see films. No worries about being followed to the shops or that someone’s snapping pictures of me buying apples. It does happen, occasionally, but I’m not new there. It’s nothing like here.” He sounded wistful as he spoke. “In LA, I’m this drunken, whoring renegade on some sort of rampage. Or at least the tabloids and their relentless reporters would have you think that about me. When I meet someone here, they know who I am—or rather, who they think I am.”

He broke off, turning to look at me. His voice wavered ever so slightly as he added, “It can be lonely.” His eyes moved over my face.

My heart was in my throat as I forced my next words out in an attempt to lessen the gravity of the conversation. “That sounds like a choice. Usually underwear and marriage proposals mean there are interested ladies.”

“If you don’t mind being involved with a woman who hands out her panties so freely.”


laughed at the horrified expression on his face. He smiled his eye-crinkling smile and stole my breath.

I felt unaccountably nervous as his fingers took my left hand, his touch electric. I looked down at my hand in his, amazed by the heat in his touch. It flooded through me, all the way to the tips of my fingers and toes, leaving me light-headed.

His face was shadowed while mine was bared in the moon’s bright light. I heard his breath hitch as my eyes fell to the shadow of his lips, felt his breath on my face as he moved to within inches of me. His hand was soft, hesitant against my cheek, and surprisingly gentle. His thumb traveled gently, slowly over my lower lip. I didn’t think as my eyes fell closed; feeling simply took over. I was throbbing with anticipation, my heart racing, my lungs tight. I stopped breathing, acutely aware of his hand on my cheek, the other sliding through my hair then down to the small of my back.

“Claire?” Shannon’s voice reached us on the breeze.

Josh’s forehead rested against mine. He groaned softly, frustrated. “I want to kiss you.”

I didn’t say anything. What could I say? I was standing in front of a gorgeous young man who wanted to kiss me on a moonlit beach on the California coast. It must be a dream. If I said something, I might wake up.