I watched Josh laugh as he read to Will, passing the time on our flight. Will seemed to delight in making Josh laugh.

My mother’s voice was almost a whisper as she regarded me with misty eyes. “I had a phone call, Claire. From Daniel.”

I had no doubt that my eyes were round. “Oh?” He’d called Mom too?

“He was really upset. Kind of frantic.” She looked meaningfully at the kids.

Josh finished “Green Eggs and Ham” and Will slipped from Josh’s lap. In two seconds, he was engrossed in the video game Natalie was playing. He climbed into the seat behind her and leaned over the top for a better view. At least they seemed unaffected by all the surrounding drama. I began to chew on my lip, staring out the window.

“I’m glad he’s not in Texas right now or I’d be really worried about what might be waiting for you.” Mom looked at Josh with the kids. “He sounded really…really strange.”

“When did he call you?” I asked.

“Early this morning. He said he’d tried to call you but couldn’t get through. He said he was worried and wanted to make sure you were all right.”

“He didn’t say anything about England? About being there?”

She shot another look at the kids, speaking softly. “He acted surprised, like he had no idea we were out of the country. And he was angry. He was ranting a bit, about needing to talk to you and seeing the kids.”

I felt a knot of fear twist my gut. I glanced at Natalie, who was squealing as she tried frantically to beat her game. Will was laughing at her. There was no way I would let him see the kids. I knew, in the pit of my stomach, that something had changed. Though he’d never directed his temper towards the kids before, I would not put them in harm’s way now. And everything about Daniel seemed dangerous now.

Josh leaned forward, taking my hand. His voice was soft, but his fingers were tight around mine. “Is it safe for you to go back?” He’d handed me back my phone this morning, saying only “I’m going with you” and dropping a kiss on my head before joining the breakfast table.

“I don’t know. It might make more sense to move sooner rather than later, finish the year out home school style. I am a retired teacher, after all.” Mom looked at me with questioning eyes. I felt close to tears. “I hate dumping this on you, both of you.”

“Sweetie, we love you. You’re not making us do anything.” She squeezed my hand and smiled tightly at Josh.

“We don’t have a place to go yet,

Mom—” I stopped as Josh held up his hand.

His warm hazel eyes held a hint of determination as he spoke. It was obvious he’d given this some thought. “Claire, Shannon’s house is empty. You know she’ll let you use it. She’ll want you to use it. For the time being, I think you need to accept her offer. Please.”

My mother nodded. “Hon, I think we need to consider all of our options right now. Texas isn’t one of them.” She paused.

“Mom.” Natalie caught my attention. “How long are we in New York?”

I smiled brightly at her. “We’re heading out tomorrow.”

“Are we going to get to see any shows?” she asked.

“Maybe you and Grams could see one. Are you up for it, Mom?” I shrugged. “I could use a night with my boy. My Guitar Hero is getting rusty.” And I was completely exhausted.

Nat rolled her eyes at me. “Can we see ‘Wicked’, Grams?”

My phone began vibrating as they began to discuss possible shows to see. I felt myself tense. Josh reacted instantly, turning a concerned eye on me. Regina Hammell’s number lit up the LCD display screen and I smiled, flipping it open and speaking clearly. “Hi, Regina.” I was aware of Josh’s gaze on me the entire time. I squeezed his hand and stood, closing myself in the bathroom. I was pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to use my cell phone on the plane, but this call was too important to wait.

“Claire?” Regina’s voice was clipped, as usual. “I’ve heard from the site manager’s secretary. She confirmed that Daniel has been there for the last week.”

“I don’t understand.” I stared at my reflection. “I saw him, Regina. I know he was in Stratford two days ago. Will saw him too, damn it.”

“I know. And I believe you. I called the headquarters and asked for the site manager’s name. I’m going to speak with him directly. Something’s not right. You’ll be home tomorrow?” I heard her clicking her pen.

“Yes. And I’ll head straight to you.” I didn’t know how he’d managed to cover his tracks. Without evidence, I wouldn’t have a chance in court. “I do have something concrete.”


“He’s called me several times making threats.” I spoke softly. “He even called my mother.”