The last time she’d seen Click he’d been dusty and worn out, all but chased from the hospital by her aunt and uncle. Uncle Woodrow had wasted no time pointing out that he wasn’t family. She’d tried to argue, but Click had said, “Doc said quiet is what you need. I’ll check on you later.” He’d shot her a wink and slipped out.

She’d missed him. And Pearl. She’d stared at her phone a time or two but couldn’t bring herself to text him.

Now he was all pressed and starched, freshly shaven and smelling downright delicious. She swallowed, bombarded by a million conflicting emotions and sensations she wasn’t quite ready to face.

“Ta-dee!” Pearl said, grinning from ear to ear. “Butter?”

“Hi, precious Pearl.” She stooped, hugging the toddler close. “How are you?”

Pearl nodded. “Ta-dee butter?”

“She looks better,” Click said. “How do you feel?”

“Oh, better?” Tandy stood. “Yes, feeling much better. Thank you, Pearl.”

Click held out a huge bouquet of wildflowers. “Pearl picked them for you.”

“Ba-shee,” Pearl said, hugging the dog.

“Listen to you.” Tandy shook her head, taking the bouquet. “Banshee’s happy to see you, too. Thank you for the pretty flowers.”

“Making a break for it?” Click asked.

She frowned, suspicion creeping in. “Did Scarlett tell you to come babysit?”

He shook his head. “Nope. We wanted to see you. And Banshee.” He nodded at Pearl, still hugging Banshee.

Tandy smiled. “I need some fresh air. And space.” She pointed at the small suite Scarlett called home. “I don’t know where I’m going. Just out.”

“We can help you with that.” His grin went straight to her heart.

The last two days had been filled with thoughts of him. His blue-green eyes, the strength in his arms and his tattoo. She’d felt so locked in grief, convinced she was at fault for losing Amelia...convinced he’d never be able to look at her without resentment. Shutting him out had made it easier to shut out the truth: she’d lost everything—including hope.

It might be easier to keep everyone out. But it was lonely, so lonely. She was tired of being alone. More important, she was tired of being without him.

Click was Click. Being close to him always shook up her insides. Seeing him shirtless had stirred her senses. But seeing their daughter’s name, twined with hers, on his skin, had woken her heart. Somehow Click had managed to move on without pretending Amelia hadn’t existed. She was with him every day. Tandy had no idea how to do that. But she wanted to. She wanted to think about her baby with peace. The only time Tandy had had peace in the last two years was when he’d held her close in that damn storm shelter.

Thinking of Amelia was still hard for her, too painful and raw. She couldn’t think about her. Or what they’d been through. It brought her to her knees and tore her to pieces. She refused to be that weak—that vulnerable.

“Ta-dee?” Pearl lifted her little hands.

Tandy scooped her up. “Ready to go bye-bye?”

Pearl’s eyes filled instantly with tears. “No bye-bye.” She shook her head, her black curls bouncing.

“No...” She looked at Click then. “No bye-bye.” She smiled.

“No bye-bye,” Pearl agreed, burrowing against her. “No bye-bye.” One small hand tangled in her long hair.

Click was watching, his brows drawn together.

Tandy shrugged. “She doesn’t like that word. She cried last time I said it, too.” She paused. “I’m sorry, Pearl. Let’s go.”

Click patted Pearl’s back. “Let’s take Tandy for a ride.”

“Da-gee?” Pearl asked. “Bashee?”

“Yep, Banshee is coming, too,” he said.