He frowned. “You mind?” he asked.

“Of course not,” she said, taking the little girl. The scent of his cologne tickled her nose, threatening the dam she’d built against the tingle-inducing, molten-hot memories they’d made. “You look mighty pretty, Pearl.” She ran a hand over her embroidered pink dress. “A little princess.”

“Only one button,” Click said. “I don’t get why they use such tiny buttons on such tiny clothes. My fingers aren’t made for it.” He held his hands up.

Tandy laughed, too surprised by his tirade to do anything else.

Pearl laughed, too.

“Your daddy’s doing fine, isn’t he, Pearl? Tiny buttons or not.” She should stop smiling at him, stop staring at him—stop drowning in those damn blue-green eyes staring right back at her. She sucked in a deep breath. It wasn’t fair, this effect he had on her. “Taking Scarlett up on her dinner offer?”

He nodded, swallowing.

“Feeling brave,” she murmured.

He shook his head. “Wish I was.”

Her heart... It didn’t hurt exactly, but it was feeling something. She didn’t want to feel anything for Click, she couldn’t. “Let’s go,” she said, too disoriented to do much but put space between them. The sound of his boots on the wooden floor, behind her, didn’t do much to ease her nerves.

“Da-da-gee,” Pearl said. “La-ba-gee.” She ended with a gurgle.

“You want to dance?” she asked. “Well, you came to the right place, little Pearl.”

“Is that what she said?” The amusement in Click’s voice sent a shudder down her voice.

“She’s dressed in a party dress,” she said, refusing to look back at him. “Of course she expects to dance.”

“You came.” Scarlett jumped up. “Oh my, Pearl, look at you.”

Pearl smiled, curling shyly into Tandy’s chest. “Hee.”

“You holding on to Tandy?” Scarlett asked, patting Pearl’s back. “You always had a way with kids.”

“And animals,” Renata added, glancing at Banshee.

“Best judge of character,” Click said. “Children and animals,” he added.

Tandy stared at him, her heart feeling again...and thumping a little too fast. He’d stooped to scratch Banshee behind the ear, oblivious to how unsettled she was. Of course he was. It was a simple compliment, nothing more.

She turned back to the table to find Renata and Scarlett staring at him.

“Ta-dee,” Pearl said, patting her chest.

She froze, staring down at the gleeful toddler.

“Ta-dee,” she repeated, still gently patting her chest.

Tandy nodded. “Yes, snuggle bunny. That’s right.” She stared into those big brown eyes, Pearl’s little nod of satisfaction filling her with happiness. “I’m Tandy.”

“She said your name?” Click asked, standing close behind Tandy’s shoulder. “Tandy?” His hand rested on her shoulder, warm and heavy.

“Ta-dee!” Pearl grinned, patting Tandy’s chest. Then she pointed at Banshee. “Da-gee.”

“Who’s this, Pearl?” Tandy asked, looking at Click. “Daddy? Is that your daddy?”

Pearl nodded, her smile growing as she reached for Click. Click bent forward, his arms sliding under Tandy’s to scoop Pearl up. His breath brushed her temple and ear. His hand, big and warm, covered hers. He invaded her space and her senses, simply by being there—shifting his daughter against his broad chest. Her hand was trapped, keeping her tangled up in him—them—far longer than she wanted to be. His chuckle was strained, drawing her eyes up to his. He was beautiful, as always. This close, it was impossible not to recall certain memories. The good ones. Like being in his arms. Click’s embraces were solid, his arms strong and warm. She hadn’t been warm in so long.

“As I live and breathe, Click Hale, don’t tell me you’re still pining after my niece?” Her uncle’s voice ended any thoughts of warmth and being in Click’s arms.