She didn’t know much about Pearl’s mother. She wasn’t sure she wanted to. What she did know didn’t recommend the woman for motherhood. It wasn’t the sleeping around that gave Tandy pause. Her brother had visited more than his fair share of beds when he was footloose and fancy-free. Drug use was different.

Pearl rubbed her eyes, her head shifting to the other side of the car seat. She slept on, oblivious to the conversation in the front seat or Tandy holding her hand.

This baby girl’s future was unknown. As much as Tandy loved her, she had no say-so in her future. Just like before—with Amelia. When she’d been helpless to do anything as her baby was taken from her. Pain sliced sharply through her chest, so sharp she pressed her hand to her chest. She wasn’t strong enough to go through that again. Maybe she should stop the pain before it destroyed her. But was she strong enough to leave Click and Pearl? Giving up her chance at happiness was the only way to protect herself from irreparable heartbreak.

* * *

“YOU’RE IN A mighty fine position,” Kevin Glenn said. “Property, income, character references. The things the court wants in a custody case.”

“I don’t know if it’s going to come to that.” Click tapped his fingers on the tabletop.

“Best to be prepared,” Mr. Glenn said. “What do we know about Georgia Miles?”

“Not much,” Click confessed.

“Well, what we do know won’t hurt us.” Mr. Glenn sat back, taking a sip of the sweet tea Tandy had made earlier. “Thought about hiring a private investigator? I know you don’t want to play hardball, son, and I respect that. But I’m thinking your daughter’s needs should come first. You say she’s in a drug rehabilitation facility? Was this her choice or court required?”

“Her choice, I think.” Click ran a hand over his face. He didn’t want to be in this position.

“Wouldn’t hurt to find out,” Kevin Glenn said. “Just in case.”

“Like I said, I’m hoping it won’t come to that.” He stopped tapping his fingers on the table and pressed his hands against his thighs. “This whole business makes me uncomfortable, Mr. Glenn.”

“I understand, Click, I do.” He nodded. “If she shows up wanting to take Pearl, we’ll file an injunction. That way there’s a formal custody arrangement worked out and you won’t worry you’ll never see your daughter again.”

That he could agree to. He wasn’t going to lose his daughter.

“But if she shows up with some fancy lawyer, I want you to consider hiring a private eye. Now that you’ve got all this, she might get greedy and go after more than just custody.” Mr. Glenn slid his tablet into his beaten-up briefcase and stood. “You have any questions, you call me.”

“I appreciate you coming out so late.” Click walked the older man to the front door.

“The wife had bingo at the community center, so it worked out fine.” He grinned. “Couldn’t help but notice the improvements you’ve made on the place when I got here. Things are looking good, Click. New fences, fresh coat of paint on the barn, and graveled the driveway, too. Been busy. I hear tell you’re thinking about starting a training facility? For cutting horses? Your specialty?” The older man cast an appreciative gaze over Click’s land.

“Word sure travels fast.”

“No secrets in a town this size.” He chuckled. “Like Tandy Boone staying here?”

“We weren’t trying to keep that a secret. She was staying there.” He pointed at the cabin. “It’s not like I don’t have the room. She’s a real help with Pearl, too.” Which was true. After their run-in, Woodrow Boone couldn’t be happy about his niece moving in, but he hadn’t sent anyone or anything to clear the wreckage away. So Click had repaired that part of the fence first, reinforcing the sheep and goat wiring and putting in new fence stays to make sure the goats, Banshee and Pearl didn’t wander that way.

“She can’t stay there. No, sirree,” Mr. Glenn agreed. “That’d be downright dangerous. How long she staying with you?”

Click glanced at the older man. “I didn’t give her a deadline.”

Mr. Glenn scratched his chin. “I was real fond of your aunt, Click. And she was real fond of you. So I’m just going to come right out with it. I’m not telling you what to do here, but it might be best for Miss Boone to find someplace else to rest her pretty little head. Just until this custody business is done and over.”

Click met the old man’s gaze. There was no judgment there, just concern. “I appreciate that,” he said.

Mr. Glenn smiled and made his way to his truck. “Like your new ride, Click.” He touched the rim of his beaten cowboy hat before driving away.

Click leaned against the porch railing, savoring the silence. The sky was a deep blue, darker each second. The wind was constant, but it didn’t howl like the day of the storm. It whispered, carrying with it the sounds of the plains. Rustling grass, the distant bleat of the goat and snort of his horses, the call of a black hawk hunting mice. It was peaceful.

“Click?” Tandy joined him on the porch. “She was sound asleep before I covered her with her blanket.”

He slid an arm around her. “It’s been a long day.”

She studied him, staying stiff in his hold. “Did Mr. Glenn have good news?”

“I’m not sure I’d call it good news.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “If it comes to a court case, there’s a chance it could get personal.”