He tapped the note. “Reminder for me to pick up fresh green beans on the way home for Mrs. Edwards.” He chuckled. “Don’t think I remembered.”

Tandy had carried the file back into the exam room. She’d done her best to stay professional with Miss Francis, but she was close to tears—of frustration. No wonder Dr. Edwards was paying so well. She was pretty sure it wasn’t worth it.

Since the office needed a good cleaning, she’d come in on her first Saturday wearing rubber gloves and toting bleach water. Everything felt dirty and gritty. Lucky for her, Renata and Scarlett had offered to help. Of course, once they’d stepped inside, they’d almost bailed on her.

“Looks better,” Scarlett said now, leaning on her mop.

“When I planned to take some vacation time, I hadn’t intended to do so much work. First helping out at Fire Gorge. Now this. Man, next time I’m taking a cruise or something.” Renata sighed. “I’m beginning to miss Stonewall Crossing and my job.”

“Ooh, a cruise sounds like fun,” Scarlett said.

“Doesn’t it?” Renata grinned. “Just the three of us. I bet I can take off some more time after the next high season. How soon do you think you can take some time off?” Renata loved her job at the Stonewall Crossing Tourism Department—doing whatever it took to help put her hometown on the map as a top Texas tourist stop.

Tandy laughed. “A while. I don’t know what I’d do without you two,” she said, pushing the cabinet drawer. It hung on the rails twice, making her shove a little harder. It slammed shut, knocking the pile of manila folders stacked precariously on top to the floor. She stared at the mess, overwhelmed and deflated. She stooped, piling the manila folders back up and slapping them on the file cabinet.

“It’s not too late to leave,” Renata said. “I’m heading home tomorrow. I can make room.”

“I gave up my job at the vet hospital,” she argued, feeling like a fool. Why had she agreed to this? “My replacement is terrific—I trained him myself.”

“Still...” Scarlett glanced at the filing cabinet. “After the veterinary hospital, this is like...”

“Stepping back in time?” Renata finished. “Yeah, this is bad.”

Tandy didn’t disagree. But what did she have to go back to? Babysitting her nieces and nephews. Being the third wheel with her brother and his family? Being the single one. Well, she and Renata were both single. But Tandy knew it was because her cousin hadn’t found the right man yet. Renata wasn’t broken inside like she was. Renata would find love, and it would be deep and real and forever.

“Hate to break up this party, but we’re working tonight,” Scarlett said to Renata.

Tandy looked around the cramped office. “I think we’ve done all we can do.”

“Does that mean we’re finally leaving?” Renata smiled. “Because I think you owe us ice cream.”

Banshee perked up from his place on the floor.

“See, even Banshee agrees,” Renata added.

Tandy laughed. “I could go for ice cream. And some fresh air. Come on, Banshee, let’s get these ladies their payment.” She led them from the clinic, locking up behind them and testing the door before they walked down the corner and took a right. “Come by my place after you’re done? I’ll have lots of ice cream.”

“How’s the cabin?” Scarlett asked.

“I haven’t spent much time there,” she said. “I get here, work late, go home and collapse in bed.”

“Because your new boss is a slave driver or because you’re avoiding your neighbor?” Renata asked, grinning.

Tandy frowned. “I’m not avoiding anyone. How can you avoid someone in a town this small?”

“Kind of like you avoiding the question?” Renata asked.

She shook her head, trying not to react. “What is there to avoid?”

Renata and Scarlett exchanged a long look.

“That he loves you?” Scarlett asked.

“That there’s something going on, I’m thinking seriously wrong, with his current situation?” Renata added.

Tandy blew out a deep breath, hating how well they knew one another. She’d been thinking the same thing. Not about him caring about her—that hadn’t crossed her mind. But the rest of it, yes. “I’m supposed to fix it? The situation, not your delusion that he still cares about me.”

They exchanged another look.