By the time the next dance was over, half of Fire Gorge’s guests were besotted with Pearl’s huge brown eyes and bouncy black curls. She was pretty impossible to resist.

Whenever the music stopped, Pearl looked expectantly at Tandy. She bounced in Tandy’s arms, humming and clapping.

“Dance,” Tandy said. “You like dancing, Pearl?”

Pearl smiled, bouncing again.

“More?” Tandy asked. “Want to dance some more?”

Pearl nodded, looking around the dance floor.

So Tandy danced again and again, too delighted by Pearl’s enthusiasm to care. When the line dancing was done, Pearl was looking heavy-lidded and drowsy. “Probably need a change before she dozes off,” she said to Click. “Want me to take her?”

“Tandy, you don’t have to.” He glanced back and forth between her and Pearl.

“I know. I offered.” She couldn’t look at him for too long. Not because of the memories he stirred, but the longing. When her libido had woken up and taken notice, she wasn’t entirely sure. For two years, she’d felt cold and hollow inside. Now, she was alive and...wanting. She brushed past him to the table, and grabbed Pearl’s diaper bag.

Pearl didn’t fuss as they made their way to the bathroom. She happily tugged off her slipper shoes while she lay on the changing table. She cooed and clapped through her diaper change, then reached for Tandy when she was clean and dressed.

“All better?” Tandy asked. “Nice and dry. Bye-bye, diaper.” Tandy tossed the wet diaper into the bin and smiled at Pearl.

“Bye-bye.” Pearl’s eyes filled with tears. “Bye-bye?”

Tandy’s heart broke. “No bye-bye.” Tandy shook her head.

Pearl shook her head vigorously. “Ta-dee.”

“I’ve got you.” She nodded, forcing a smile as she lifted her from the changing table and set her on her feet. “I’m here.”

Pearl nodded. “Ta-dee.”

“Let’s wash our hands.” Tandy set Pearl on the counter, pushing her far from the edge, and soaped up her hands. Pearl loved the water against her hands, so Tandy took her time with the process. When they were done, Tandy’s shirtfront was wet, but Pearl was smiling from ear to ear.

Tandy held Pearl’s hand as they made their way back into the buffet hall. Click was dancing with a teenager—a teenager who was doe-eyed and flushed with nerves. She knew how that felt. Click Hale was the sort of man who made women of all ages sit up and take notice.

Banshee greeted them, licking Pearl on the cheek and offering Tandy a short bark. Pearl barked back, making Banshee sit back and cock his head to the side.

“Pearl’s saying hi, Banshee.” Tandy squatted at Pearl’s side. “Right, Pearl? Hi, doggie.”

Pearl nodded. “Hi, hi, hi, da-gee.” She toddled forward, wrapped her arms around Banshee’s neck and pressed a big openmouthed kiss on the dog’s cheek. Banshee, good dog that he was, sat still through it all. Then promptly licked her face.

“Ta-dee,” Pearl squealed, tugging her hand and pointing at the dance floor.

“Dance?” Tandy asked. “You want to dance, Pearl?”

Pearl nodded, her black curls bouncing.

“Okay. Let’s dance.”

* * *

“SORRY IF I stepped on your toes,” the girl said, blushing.

Click tipped his hat. “Not once. Besides, that’s one of the reasons a cowboy wears boots.”

She smiled and made her way back to her table, three teenage girls staring at them, watching their friend closely.

“That was a lie, Click Hale,” Evelyn Boone