“Oh, come on.” Renata rested her head on the chair back. “He mentioned it. Click knows I didn’t mean anything by it. Right, Click?”

Click chuckled. “Right.”

Tandy smoothed her quilt up, patting the pillows into shape with a little extra force. “He has the right to some privacy. We all do.”

Renata snorted. “Well, that’s silly. When did we start keeping secrets? Ya’ll know everything there is to know about me.”

Scarlett stopped putting the dishes into the kitchen cabinet. “Same here. I know, it’s sad.”

Tandy hugged her. “It’s not sad, Scarlett. You’ve got a good life.”

“Doesn’t feel like I’ve done much living,” she murmured.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tandy asked. She’d always envied the stability of her cousin’s life. Scarlett’s folks might be a pain in the rear, might be a little too invasive and outspoken, but they loved their children. Same with Renata. As far as Tandy was concerned, Uncle Teddy was the best father in the world. He loved and supported his children in a way Tandy could only dream about.

She and her brother, Toben, had grown up without a father, a fact their mother reminded them of every day. Susan Boone blamed them for his leaving, reminding them how lucky they were that she’d kept them. They’d grown up thinking she’d done them a favor raising them, even though she resented them every minute of every day. Tandy had done everything she could to show her mother they were thankful, to make her mother proud of her—but it was never enough.

“You’ve got a family that loves you,” Tandy reminded Scarlett. “That’s a lot in my book.”

“I’d say you’ve done a lot of living,” Click added. “Handling your uncle Woodrow and aunt Evelyn on a daily basis is no small accomplishment, Scarlett. Most would tuck tail and run.” Click shook his head.

Scarlett laughed.

“Speaking of which.” Renata yawned. “Aren’t we supposed to go to dinner? Something about bonfires and singing and steak.”

Tandy glanced at her watch. It was five thirty.

“Why don’t you and Pearl join us?” Scarlett asked.

Tandy bit back a sigh. Of course Scarlett should invite them, it was the right thing to do. But, dammit, she wasn’t ready to have him back in her life yet.

“Da-gee,” Pearl whispered at Banshee.

Tandy smiled as Pearl reached out her small hand to pat Banshee’s paw. Pearl would be oohed and aahed over, passed from lap to lap and adored by Uncle Woodrow’s guests. She’d take care to keep as much distance between her and Click as possible, to keep the gossips from getting too excited.

“Your daddy’s never thought too highly of me. Best not get him riled up in front of his guests.” Click shook his head, scooping Pearl off the floor. “We should get. I’m expecting company shortly.” He paused, looking at Tandy. “Hope we didn’t overstay our welcome.”

Tandy shook her head, trying not to get lost in his gaze.

“Da-gee?” Pearl asked, yawning.


“Night-night,” Click said. “Doggie’s going night-night.”

Pearl’s lower lip flipped. “Ni-ni?”

“Night-night.” Click nodded.

Banshee looked up from where he lay on the floor. He did look ready for bed.

“Maybe he’ll come visit us tomorrow,” Click said, glancing her way. “He’s welcome anytime. You are, too. All of you, course.”

“If you change your mind, Click, bring Pearl,” Scarlett said. “Daddy’s mellowed.” She ignored Renata’s laugh. “Besides, if there’s one thing that turns my father into putty—it’s a baby girl.”

Click nodded. “I’ll think about it.” Pearl was playing with the buttons on his shirtfront as they headed out the door.

Banshee sat up, watching as Click carried Pearl back down the fence line to the gate he’d mentioned earlier. She rubbed Banshee behind the ear. “He’ll get the hang of it,” she said to her dog. “Until then, you might have to help him.”