He chuckled, burying his nose in her hair.

“I found you,” she said, her hands twisting in his knit shirt. “And I’m not going to let you go, Toben. You hear me?” She looked up at him, her whispered words raw and broken. “I don’t care if you get bored or restless—you are stuck with us.”

He stared at her. “I am?” His voice hitched.

“Yes. You are. Because you love us.” She sniffed, tears falling onto her cheeks. “You love me.”

“I do.” He wiped the tears from her cheeks, his pulse kicking up. “So much.”

She smiled. “I’m ready to believe you.”

He grinned. “Then I’ll tell you again. I love you, Poppy White. And, every damn day, I’ll do my best to earn your love.”

“Every damn day.” She nodded. “You promise?”

“I was ready to promise before things went to hell.” He reached into his pocket. “We had a big proposal worked out. Rowdy’s got a romantic streak. You should see the barn,” he said, holding up the ring they’d bought early that morning. “It was tied to Stormy’s halter. There are flowers all over the barn...all over. I stuck myself a dozen times.” He held his finger out for inspection. “I knew you’d say no, but I didn’t care. I’ll keep asking until you say yes.”

She smiled, kissing each cut. “Yellow roses?”

“Of course.” He nodded, loving the way she looked at him. “Asking you to marry me now, like this, isn’t enough. You deserve more.” He’d wanted it to be big and special. Something she’d remember always.

She shook her head and held her hand out. “Ask me.”

He chuckled. “Maybe I’ll wait.”

She frowned at him. “No more waiting, Toben. Ask me tonight,” she said, and pressed her lips to his. “Marry me tomorrow.” She kissed him again. “Love me now.”

He kissed her, his lips sealing them together and easing the ache in his chest. “I do, Poppy. Only, I know you could do better,” he murmured.

“I want you. I love you,” she said. “Even though Fisher said you were fine, I couldn’t believe it. I saw that smoke... All I could think was...no. I love him. I need him...you. And I was too scared to tell you how much...I care. I thought admitting I loved you would chase you away.”

He shook his head, frowning.

“I know.” She smiled. “Now. So I want you to know—I need you to know. I love you so much, Toben Boone. You and only you. Whatever else happens, I want us to be a family. I’ll fight to protect it.”

She had no idea the power her words had over him. Her love washed the rest of the day’s pain away. He had her. He had Rowdy. He had everything. He slipped the ring on her finger.

“You didn’t ask.” She laughed softly.

“After that, I didn’t think I had to.” He kissed her again. He loved the feel of her fingers in his hair, the brush of her nose along his cheek. “Will you marry me, Poppy?”

“Yes.” She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly.

“Thank you, Poppy. For giving us—me—a second chance. I won’t let you down,” he promised, pressing a kiss against her lips.


“You look like a princess, Ma.” Rowdy stood in his little gray tuxedo and felt cowboy hat, looking every bit the dashing cowboy.

“Well, I’m proud to have you as my handsome escort,” she said. “Ready to take some pictures?”

Rowdy nodded. “I guess.”

Poppy laughed, knowing how fond Rowdy was of pictures. Something else he and his father agreed on—pictures were torture. She followed her son to the barn, careful not to trip on her long white skirt, smiling at the friends and family that gathered for her and Toben’s special day.

But something was poking her left foot, and it hurt. She paused in the barn and lifted her skirts, bracing herself against the wall to tug off her boot. A Lego block fell onto the hay at their feet.

Rowdy grinned. “Sorry, Ma. I was looking for that piece.”