Toben let it go, figuring the best thing to do in this situation was give them space. “I’ll take the horses back. Get Cheeto settled for you.” He touched his hat, smiling at Poppy.

“You don’t have to,” Poppy said.

“I know. I’ll see you later on.” He untied Cheeto and led the pony to his truck and horse trailer. “I know you like me better,” he said to Cheeto, leading the pony inside.

He drove out to Poppy’s first, where he put the pony in his stall, fed him and gave him a solid rubdown before heading to Boone Ranch. He was unloading horses when Renata arrived with the other truck and trailer.

A few ranch hands helped unload, storing saddles, brushing out coats and turning the horses out to graze. He and Renata worked together until she finally asked, “What’s the guy to her?”

“Her friend,” he answered.

“You like him?”

He shrugged. “I don’t really know him. But he’s been a good friend to Poppy, so I guess so.”

“So you don’t like him, but you’re playing nice? Guess that means things are getting serious between you two?” she asked.

“I’m sure as hell trying.” He looked at her, confessing, “I’m in way over my head.”

Renata grinned. “You? Mr. One-Night-Wonderland?”

Toben winced. “That’s part of the problem.” He had been with a lot of women, some he didn’t remember. The nickname was offensive, but it was true. One night, period. Except for Poppy. She’d never faded from his mind. And now, every time he was with her, he knew he was where he was meant to be. Her scent eased him. Her voice called to him. He responded to her—instinctively, primally and completely. He nodded.

“Hate to say it, but I can understand her hesitancy.” Renata patted his shoulder, sighing. “While you’re trying to figure out how to win her over, help me out, too. Are there any decent men left in town for me to date? It’s not fair. I have to leave Stonewall Crossing to get a date. Too many brothers for a fellow in these parts to man up.”

Toben frowned at her. “It’s not just brothers, Renata.” He loved Renata like she were his sister. But, like his sister, he didn’t know a man worthy of her time and affection. Frankly, he was prepared to kick ass and take names if any of the men he knew tried. At the same time, he didn’t want Renata or Tandy lonely and unloved.

Renata laughed. “A gal gets lonely, Toben.”

“I know.” His frown grew. “I’ve met plenty of them.”

“Don’t worry.” Renata sighed. “I’m not adventurous enough to be one of those women. Poppy’s friend is a good-looking man, but I don’t think I need to tell you that.” She looked at him. “And since he’s only a friend, I might just have to introduce myself to him.”

Toben looked at his cousin. He might not want Mitchell Lee hanging around Poppy, but Renata... That could work. “You won’t have to. I’ll introduce you to him.”

Renata grinned. “Even though I know there’s an ulterior motive, I’m going to smile and say thank you.”

Toben chuckled. “You’re welcome.”

Chapter Sixteen

Poppy stared again at the tooled leather bracket now affixed to her saddle. It was rigid, the opening perfect for the slim aluminum pole. She wouldn’t have to hold it as tight or brace it against her side. It would cut back on drag, easing most of the resistance of the flag. Meaning her side wouldn’t be on fire. He’d done this for her—to take care of her.

“Isn’t that fancy?” Mitchell said, following her gaze and inspecting the bracket. “He’s trying hard, isn’t he?”

Poppy nodded.

“And succeeding?” he asked, his smile genuine.

She frowned. “Give me some credit, Mitchell.”

“Can you trust him? That’s what counts, Poppy.” He sighed. “I’m not going to be around as much now—”

“Mitchell,” she interrupted him. “I love you. I’m always going to. You’re my best friend.”

Mitchell smiled at her. “A fact I don’t take for granted.”

She nodded. “But...I want you to be his friend, too. Rowdy shouldn’t have to choose.”