She’d invited Rose and Bob out of obligation, knowing they wouldn’t come. They were, as expected, busy. Mitchell had called to say he wasn’t sure when he’d get there but he’d try not to miss the fanfare later this week. She had mixed emotions about that. Now that things had changed between her and Toben, she knew things would likely change with her and Mitchell, too.

Toben came back shortly, his hand a soothing presence on the base of her spine. “She’s on the floor with them. Blocks are everywhere.”

Poppy smiled. It was nice to hear Rowdy had an aunt willing to get on the floor to play. Her eyes were stinging again.

“If you two ever need a babysitter, Tandy is the best,” Annabeth offered. “She’s handled all three of our boys on her own a few times.”

You two? The words made Poppy uneasy.

“And lived,” Ryder joined in.

“They’re much easier when you tag-team them,” Renata volunteered. “Rowdy’d be a piece of cake. No offense.”

“None taken.” Ryder laughed.

If you two ever need a babysitter. She excused herself, forcing herself to mingle with the rest of her guests. Honestly, she was panicking. It was one thing to play house, alone and away from the rest of the world. But here, with so many of Stonewall Crossing’s residents out in force, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be so intimately tied to Toben. If he left, it would be that much harder.

There was a very large part of her that was beginning to believe he might, possibly, care for her—not just their son. But the rest of her, the part she’d been listening to for seven years, refused to believe it.

She listened as the bank manager rattled off loan options to fix up the Travis homestead. Not that she needed a loan. Her career had ensured she and Rowdy would be taken care of through whatever life might throw at them. And now, with the shop, she hoped she’d bring in something monthly she could invest—for Rowdy’s future.

As the evening went on, Poppy did her best to keep smiling, talking and working the room. People were looking forward to tomorrow—seeing Poppy White lead in the Grand Entry was a big deal. She’d almost backed out, but Rowdy had pulled her rodeo trunk from the back of her closet and she’d given up. His enthusiasm was hard to refuse. And, as he pointed out, if there was anyone who didn’t know about her and her shop, the emcee would be sure to tell everyone who came out for the rodeo. So it was good for business.

The shop had nearly emptied out by eight, so Poppy started cleaning up. Cutter, who was full of opinions, shook her hand and said, “You’ll do well here, Miss Poppy. Got yourself a real pretty little place.” He grinned. “And your boy is a Boone—good family. Looks like you and Toben are picking up right where you left off.” He touched the brim of his hat and left her, her pulse racing and skin clammy.

Right where you left off... The man had no idea what he’d said. He had no way of knowing what sort of horrible, lonely memories his words would stir. But now that he’d said it, that was all she could think about. Waking up disappointed to find him gone. She’d been foolish to think he’d stay but she’d hoped nonetheless. It’d hurt, but finding out she was pregnant had been worse. And trying to find Toben, being so scared she didn’t know which way was up, had brought her to her knees. Add to it Rose’s assurance that Poppy couldn’t raise a child with her lifestyle, that she and Bob would take the baby... Their relationship had never been the same. Hell, her life had never been the same.

The Boones lingered, helping her tidy up until the shop was clean and she was ready to close up. All she wanted was quiet, time to calm down. Alone.

“I’ll go get Rowdy,” Toben offered.

“I’ll go,” she said, brushing past him. She didn’t want more time with the Boones. She wanted her son—to herself.

She climbed the stairs and paused in the doorway of the sitting room. Tandy Boone lay on her back on the floor holding up a book. Cody had left with his parents, but Rowdy lay beside her, listening while she read a story about a pony named Fritz and how heroic he was. It was one of his favorite stories. Rowdy said Fritz was just like Cheeto, loyal and fearless.

“You okay?” She jumped—she hadn’t heard Toben follow her up the stairs.

She nodded.

He pulled her into his arms, tugging her into the shadows of the hall. “I’m proud of you.” He brushed her lips with his. “You did this, Poppy. All of this.”

She looked up at him, unable to make sense of the jumble of emotions tangled up inside. Being in his arms helped. And that made it ten times worse. “I’m scared,” she confessed.

He froze. “Of what?”

She blew out a long breath... Everything. “Where do I start?”

He tilted her head back, stroking her cheek. “Wherever you want.”

She shook her head, regret flooding her. She shouldn’t have said anything. Not now. When she was vulnerable. She pushed against him until he let her go. “I guess it’s just...a big night and all.”


“We should get Rowdy if we’re going to look at dogs,” she interrupted. She’d figure this out on her own. At the end of the day, the only person she could count on was herself. Life had taught her that.

* * *

TOBEN KNEW SOMETHING had happened, but he wasn’t sure what it was. One minute she’d been smiling; the next she’d seemed withdrawn and defensive. He’d hoped her fear was gone after the week they’d shared. But she was determined to keep him out of her heart.