“Rowdy?” he asked, capturing her hands in his.

She blinked, her gaze falling from his. She was breathing heavy, the pulse in her throat thrumming rapidly. Her dark gaze held his as she took his hand and led him down the hall to her room. When they were inside, she pushed the door shut, facing him as she tugged her T-shirt over her head.

He didn’t wait. His hands were gentle, sliding up her arms—savoring her soft, warm skin beneath his roughened touch. His fingers slid along the silken straps of her plain white silk bra, going round her back to free the clasp. He stepped closer, his eyes boring into hers, as the fabric fell away.

Their breathing was erratic, each gasp brushing her nipples against his chest. It was raw and electric, sweet and oh so tempting. His lips sought hers, his hands exploring her satin skin, sliding along her sides. He cupped the full weight of her breast, his thumb caressing the tip and driving them both mad.

One second she was in his arms, the next she was gone.

He blinked, watching her strip, tossing her clothes without care. When she was naked, Toben could only stand and stare. She was more beautiful than he remembered, every curve and hollow demanding his attention.

“Damn, Poppy.” His voice was low and husky.

Her smile wobbled.

He unbuttoned his jeans, then sat on the edge of the bed to tug his boots free. When his jeans and boxers hit the floor, Poppy pushed him back on the bed.

Toben rested on his elbows, watching her closely. She was inspecting him, sizing up the situation—he’d seen her do that on the circuit. Never rushing in without considering all the angles. He grinned. For all her show, she was nervous. Hell, he was nervous. And he was pretty sure he’d done this a hell of a lot more than she had.

He sat up, pulling her between his legs. His hands cupped her cheeks. She stared at him, swallowing, as he shook his head. “I found you,” he whispered.

She kissed him, once, gently. Then again.

When her lips parted, his arms wrapped around her and pulled her beneath him. She gasped, her arms twining around his neck, her giggle soft. Damn but he loved the sound of it. Her hands gripped his back, her touch firm but unsteady.

No way he was going to rush this. Not until he’d tasted her. The tips of each breast. The sensitive skin along her sides. He paused, running a finger along several fine scars on her abdomen. He’d never noticed them before. But up close, they were impossible to miss. From her fall? He pressed kisses on each one. Her fingers tangled in his curls, but his hands and mouth weren’t done. The curve of her hips. Her muscled calf. Behind her knee. His touch slid along her skin as he shifted between her thighs.

His gaze locked with hers as he eased slowly inside. Her lips parted and her nails bit into his back. Her heat engulfed him, tightly encasing him deep inside. It was incredible. She was incredible. He moved slowly, absorbing each shift and shudder of her body.

She tugged his head down, her soft smile tugging at his heart, before she kissed him.

Try as he might to keep things slow and steady, everything about her challenged that. Her scent, the kneading of her fingers on his back, the soft moans she made in her throat. And when she arched into him, Toben gave up. Need took over. His movements grew frenzied, each thrust deeper, harder, more driven. She clung to him, her moans hoarse and broken—pushing him to the edge.

His hand cupped her breast, stroking her nipple, his lips latching on until she fell apart. She cried out, long and hard. And her release sent him over the edge, his climax so hard he buried his face against her chest and moaned with its power.

Chapter Thirteen

Poppy was panting, her fingers still tangled in Toben’s curls. He lay on top of her, his arms propping him over her, his head resting on her chest. She’d done what she swore she wouldn’t do... And, right now, she’d do it again in a heartbeat. Her body hummed, still processing all sorts of amazing little twinges and aftershocks.

“You okay?” he asked. “I’m not sure I can move.”

She laughed. “I’m good.”

He lifted his head to look at her. “Glad to hear it.” He stared at her, his hand smoothing her long hair from her cheek. “You’re the most beautiful woman, Poppy White.”

She smiled. “I guess I should feel flattered—considering how many women you’ve...known.”

His smile faded, a

little. “You’re different.”

She shook her head, determined to shut him down before her emotions could get just as out of control as her body. “You don’t have to say pretty things to me, Toben. I don’t expect—”

“Maybe I want to.” He frowned. “I can’t pretend my past didn’t happen. I can say this, you and me, is different. And when I say you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, I mean it. Okay?”

His eyes searched hers, a hint of anxiety on his handsome face. He wanted her to believe him. But could she? Her heart was banging, so damn happy she couldn’t help but panic. “Okay,” she whispered.

The corner of his mouth kicked up and he relaxed.