Poppy edged around Toben, but his hand caught her arm.

“I won’t let him down again,” Toben said. “I promise you that.”

His blue gaze locked with hers, searching for something... His hand was warm, his thumb featherlight on her skin. Too simple a touch to leave her breathless.

Poppy tugged free—but she knew Mitchell had seen the awkward exchange. She didn’t look at Mitchell until the back door had swung shut, signaling Toben’s departure. If Mitchell was smart, he’d keep his comments to himself.

“Needing help finding those graham crackers?” Mitchell asked.

She glared at him.

He chuckled. “He gets under your skin something fierce.”

She continued to glare at him.

“Is that what you want?” Mitchell asked. “All that fire?”

“Toben?” she asked, taking the box of graham crackers out of the pantry.

Mitchell raised a brow. “Hard to miss. You two were talking about something important.”

“Rowdy... That’s all.” She paused, shaking her head and speaking with a little more emphasis. “What else—”

“Looks like there’s more going on.” Mitchell’s gaze never wavered. “Like you two might be working out the kinks in your relationship.”

“There’s no relationship,” she murmured. How the hell did she define what they had? They’d had a child together. Was there a label for that? Her irritation ratcheted up.

“Good.” Mitchell’s hand covered hers. “Because he gets you all in a frenzy. I worry once that fire’s gone, he will be, too.”

Poppy dropped the box of graham crackers, hearing her own concerns voiced aloud.

“We’re best friends,” he continued. “I love Rowdy like my own. We, you and me, understand each other. You want to give Rowdy a steady, good life. Make sure you know he can give that to you before you let things go too far. Okay?” Mitchell’s gaze searched hers.

Poppy smiled, then nodded. He was right. She knew he was right.

“Where are the graham crackers?” Rowdy asked, slamming into the kitchen with Otis following.

“Here,” Mitchell said. “Your ma dropped the box, so they might be broken.” He winked at her. She rolled her eyes in answer.

“Ma.” Rowdy sighed.

“Harder to make s’mores like that,” Otis agreed.

“Bet we can figure it out.” Mitchell steered them to the back door.

Poppy let them go, holding on to the kitchen counter as her emotions swung from one end of the spectrum to the other. As attracted as she might be to Toben, she knew there was no future with him—not romantically. She wasn’t willing to risk her heart on him. No, Toben’s only interest was being there for Rowdy.

She blew out a deep breath and stared out the screen door.

If she had it her way, she’d kick them all out, bar the gate and enjoy some peace and quiet—just her, Rowdy and the horses.

* * *

TOBEN PROMISED ROWDY a ride on Boone Ranch—after his aunt and uncle left. Nothing like receiving icy looks and veiled insults to make a fella feel at home. The fact that Mitchell wore a smug grin most of the evening made it worse. Yes, the family liked the guy. Yes, he had history with Rowdy and Poppy that Toben would never have. He knew better than to start something with the man, but it was hard not to take the bait.

The only consolation he had was Poppy. It was plain to see she considered Mitchell a friend—that was all.

The exact opposite of the way she reacted to Toben. Tensing up, trying to keep distance between them or wrapping her arms around her waist, like she was holding back. From reaching for him? As much as he wanted to kiss her until she was breathless and soft in his arms, he didn’t want to scare her off. If something were to happen between them, he’d make damn sure there was no ambivalence on her part. Their night together had been her idea, on her terms. He suspected those terms—one night of no-holds-barred bedroom fun—wouldn’t satisfy him anymore. It wasn’t just his body that ached for her. Until he knew what that meant, he wasn’t going off half-cocked.