She pointed at the soup. “Josie just made that for me.”

He let her go, nodding at the bowl.

“You’re so bossy,” she teased, sitting. She lifted the bowl, grimacing at the smell of celery and chicken broth.

“At least try.” Josie sat on the footstool.

“I can’t eat with all of you watching me.” Annabeth laughed.

“Come on, Ryder, let’s head back. It won’t look good if you’re both missing,” Hunter said. “You need anything else?”

Annabeth shook her head, trying not to laugh at her frowning husband. “I’m fine.”

“Renata has some slide show she put together,” Hunter added. “About the two of you. When you’re ready.”

“She does?” Annabeth stirred the bowl, swallowing a spoonful. It was surprisingly good. She managed to have some more, the mild flavors soothing her sour stomach. She waved them off, enjoying half of her bowl before deciding she was done. Josie tried to feed her some crackers, but she didn’t want to push it. She felt much better when she headed back to the party.

Annabeth helped move chairs around in the great room, but there wasn’t enough room for everyone to sit.

“Come on, Flo, right up front.” Ryder parked Flo’s wheelchair front and center.

“Best seat in the house,” Flo exclaimed. “You’re spoiling me.”

“Part of my job,” Ryder teased.

Annabeth watched, touched by his thoughtfulness.

“Annabeth, you give this boy extra kisses for taking care of me.” Flo shook her finger at her.

Annabeth laughed as Ryder pulled her into his lap, in a chair beside Flo.

“Extra kisses sound good,” he whispered in her ear. With one look, he made her feel beautiful...and teary eyed.

Renata lowered the large screen the Lodge used for business retreats or movie nights. As the lights dimmed, Cody and Eli scampered in to sit on the floor and lean back against Ryder’s chair.

Music started and the title sprang up: “Annabeth and Ryder’s Love Story.”

Everyone oohed over their baby pictures. Ryder was adorable, there was no denying it. She’d never seen images of a young Teddy and Mags Boone. He was handsome and she was amazingly beautiful. A quick glance at Teddy gave her pause. It was clear the old man still loved and missed his wife.

The montage of their growing-up years was bittersweet. While Annabeth’s parents were absent, pictures of Greg were everywhere.

“Is that Dad?” Cody asked after one hilarious picture of the three of them covered in mud, holding a puppy high.

Annabeth nodded. “That was his dog.”

“What h-happened?” Cody asked.

“The dog slid down the riverbank, and the water started to rise. The dog couldn’t get back up—”

“Your mom climbed down before we could stop her,” Ryder interrupted.

“But it got them down there with me,” Annabeth added. “And the dog was safe.”

“Safe. But all four of ’em were covered in mud,” Flo interjected.

Cody laughed, shaking his head.

Annabeth ruffled his hair, smiling at the top of his head. She needed to tell more stories about Greg, so he’d know his father.