“I wouldn’t worry about that, Annabeth. We’re all happy you’re part of the family.”

Josie arrived, carrying soup and crackers. “Here. Maybe this will agree with your stomach.”

“I thought you were overheated?” Hunter asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Josie shot Hunter a look, placed the soup on the table by the window and handed Annabeth the linen napkin she carried.

Annabeth watched the silent exchange between the husband and wife.

“I didn’t ask because I didn’t want you to have to lie,” Hunter said.

“I wouldn’t have lied, if you’d asked.” Josie crossed the room, sliding her arms around Hunter’s neck.

He sighed, rubbing his nose against Josie’s.

“I’m guessing I’m going to be an uncle?” Hu

nter asked, never looking away from his wife.

Annabeth stared into her soup, too nauseated to eat. “Yes.”

Hunter looked at her. “I can’t say I’m surprised.”

“He wants to do the right thing,” she said, wanting to defend Ryder.

Hunter smiled. “Annabeth, Ryder’s my little brother. I’ve watched him grow up, I know him—whether he likes it or not.”

She crossed her arms, frowning. “He’s a good man—”

“With you, yes,” Hunter agreed. “You bring out the best in him, always have.”

She blinked back the tears that stung her eyes. Even if Ryder loved her, did it matter? Loving her wouldn’t change who he was. She wanted to believe it.

“You’re worried?” Hunter asked.

“Can you blame her?” Josie asked. “Even when people are congratulating her, it’s like they’re also warning her about him.”

Annabeth smiled, nodding.

“What do you think?” Hunter asked her.

She chewed on her lip, willing the tears away. “He’s been trying to take care of me and Cody, for Greg. Now, this... He’s trapped.” Her hands brushed over her stomach. “I know him, too, Hunter. He’s a restless spirit. One I won’t keep for long.”

Ryder came through the door, his face lined with worry. “You okay?” He crossed to her, wrapping his arms around her. “Feeling all right?”

“I’m fine,” she murmured, turning her face into his shirt.

“I thought she might want some peace and quiet,” Josie spoke.

Ryder turned, but his hold on her didn’t ease. “Thanks, Josie. Hunter.” She felt Ryder’s hands tighten on her arms. “Guess you know?”

“That Josie and I are going to have a niece or nephew?” Hunter’s voice was calm. “Yep. Congratulations. I’m happy for you both.”

Ryder’s grip eased on her. She knew Hunter’s opinion was important to Ryder, no matter how much he tried to pretend otherwise.

Her stomach gurgled loudly. “Sorry. My stomach isn’t cooperating,” she moaned.

He looked down at her. “Did you try eating?”