Ryder barely moved. “Doc Meyer,” he said.

“Ryder.” Doc Meyer checked the monitor, flipped through Annabeth’s chart, then sighed. “How are you feeling Annabeth?”

“Tired,” she answered.

“I need to examine her, Ryder, so you’ll have to move.” Doc Meyer put his hands on his hips.

Ryder stood, but didn’t let go of Annabeth’s hand—no way anyone would make him let go of her.

Doc Meyer sighed again, but there was a small smile on his face. “We’re going to check on the twins. Heartbeat sounds good.”

Ryder realized that was what the static thumping was and smiled down at Annabeth. She looked so scared it tore his heart out. He crouched on the floor at her head, smoothed her hair back and kissed her forehead. “Everything’s gonna be okay. You hear me?”

She nodded once, her gaze locking with his. “I hear you.”

A nurse wheeled a cart into the room. He ignored everything but Annabeth, smoothing her hair, twining his fingers through hers, smiling at her. He hated feeling helpless.

“There we go.” Doc Meyer was pointing at the screen on the cart. “Looks like we have a boy...yes... A healthy boy, from the looks of him.”

Ryder stared at the screen, smiling at the image that greeted him. His son.

The screen went black, then another baby.

“And a daughter. One of each. She’s a tiny thing...but...she looks good, too...” Doc Meyer kept clicking buttons. “I’d say we’re pushing twenty-four weeks. Too early to deliver.”

Ryder had never felt such excitement and concern all at once. “And Annabeth?”

“Well...” Dr. Meyer looked over her chart again. “Could be pre-eclampsia. Could be diet or stress. Her BP was a little high when she came in, but it’s fine now. We’ll need to run a few tests to see for sure.”

“If it’s pre-eclampsia?” Annabeth’s voice was soft.

“Bed rest. Here or at home.” Doc Meyer looked at the two of them.

“Home, please,” Annabeth asked.

“Whatever Doc Meyer says, Princess.” He shook his head. “I’m not taking any chances with you.”

Doc Meyer cocked an eyebrow. “Let’s see what the tests say. We’ll need to get some blood. Annabeth, Nurse Garcia will help you to the restroom for a urine sample.”

“I’ll help,” he offered.

“They’re not going far, Ryder.” Doc Meyer peered at him over the rim of his glasses. “We’ll both be in earshot.”

He didn’t care what Doc Meyer said. He watched the nurse unhook Annabeth from several devices, help her into the wheelchair, then to the bathroom.

“You okay?” Doc Meyer asked Ryder.

Ryder closed his eyes, the enormity of the situation hitting him. “Just tell me what I have to do to keep her safe, Doc. Then I’ll be okay.”

Chapter Seventeen

Annabeth strolled down the stone patch and over the hill to the dock. She paused, soaking up the heat of the afternoon sun and the pure contentment she felt at the sight that greeted her. Ryder and Cody, side by side in straw cowboy hats and plaid shirts, each holding a fishing pole. Beside them sat two pairs of boots, Ryder’s tackle box and the picnic basket she brought to them hours before. She smiled, the sounds of their conversation growing louder the closer she got.

Seeing Ryder with Cody filled her with contentment. She had a family now, people who would always be there for her and Cody. All thanks to her husband. And tonight she would tell Ryder how much she loved him. She’d spent so much time being scared—finding excuses not to tell him the truth even after she knew he loved her. But she wasn’t afraid anymore. She loved him. She needed him. And she was thankful he was her husband. He should know that.

“Bigger the grasshopper, the bigger the fish,” Ryder was saying.

“And they aren’t slimy like worms,” Cody added, enunciating clearly.