“We can’t keep putting off our talk.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “I know you said you wanted to go first, but I can’t wait.”

He frowned, looking around them. He stepped closer to her, but she stopped him.

“I need you to know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and Cody. Because I do. But it’s time for me and Cody to go home.” She refused to look at him, it hurt too much. “Our home.”

“Annabeth...” His hands settled on her shoulders. “Come on—”

She shook her head. “I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. I know I’m emotional and pregnant, but I’m not the only one that’s involved here. We’re going to hurt so many people. Cody?” She shook her head. “It’s not fair to him, don’t you see? I have the job, there’s no reason for you to stay with us.” Her voice was shaking.

“No reason?” he hissed, his hold tightening.

She stared at him, her words so thick they almost choked her. “They will always be your children. I’ll never keep them from you. But I can’t keep pretending that you want anything else from me, Ryder. That you want me when this was never about you and me. My heart can’t take it anymore, don’t you understand that? This won’t last. We both know it. I’ve got to get over you so I can learn to be on my own again. We’ve made such a horrible mistake, don’t you see that?” She shrugged out of his hold. “So, please, please, just go.”

He stood there, staring at her.

“I know you have other plans...that you’re moving on. There’s a one bedroom-apartment and a job waiting for you in Dallas right now. It’s time to live your life—the life you want.” She shook her head. “If we could leave the Lodge, we would, but Cody and I are stuck right now. Please.” She swallowed. “It would be best for me... Please, stay in your apartment.”

His eyes bore into hers, intense and searching. “This is really what you want? Me...gone?”

No. She wanted him to argue, to tell her he loved her. “It’s what I need,” she murmured.

She didn’t watch him walk down the steps of the porch or drive his truck away. She sat, blindly, in one of the rocking chairs on the porch of the Lodge. By the time the sun disappeared on the horizon, Annabeth knew something was wrong.

* * *

RYDER SLAMMED HIS sledgehammer into the cracking plaster, gratified when the whole wall came free and collapsed.

Annabeth’s words spun in his head until it ached. She needed him to leave. She needed him to leave her alone.

He made short work of the wall, venting his frustration on the warped wood and rusted nails.

He knew he hadn’t done enough, but he’d held on to hope that she’d see what they could be. That she’d find a way to believe in him. To see what he wanted to be. He’d hoped that would be enough.

His phone rang.

“Drinkin’ tonight?” DB asked.

Ryder was breathin

g hard, dripping sweat and exhausted.

“Or you still too tangled up in her skirts to think for yourself?” DB prodded.

“No,” he bit out. No matter how much he wanted to be tangled up in those skirts.

“I’ll come get you,” DB offered.

Ryder wiped his face on a towel, then hung it back on one of the newly framed walls. “I’ll meet you there.” He hung up, staring at the phone in his hand. He didn’t have to ask where they were going, it was always the same place. Same drinks, different women.

He drew in a deep breath, but it didn’t help the pain in his chest.

My heart can’t take it anymore...

All he wanted to do was take care of her heart, body—all of her. He didn’t want to hurt her. And it killed him that she didn’t see that.

His phone rang again. He groaned when he saw his brother’s number. “Leave me alone,” he ground out.

“No, I sure as hell won’t,” Hunter bit back. “Where are you?”