“I’m on my way.”

“No, no,” Annabeth pleaded. “I’m already in bed.”

“It’s seven forty-five.” Josie sighed. “Please let me come over. I’ll bring Eli. We can watch a chick flick and cry on your bed?”

She couldn’t stop crying. “I’m already crying.”

“Good.” Josie laughed. “I’m on my way.” She hung up before Annabeth could answer.

Annabeth tossed back the blankets, staring at her rounded stomach. Soon there would be no way to hide it. She wrapped her arms around the bump. “We’re going to be okay,” she whispered. “Your mom’s got this single-mom thing down.” Her own words set her off again. “I’ll take care of you, I promise.”

“Annabeth—” The anguish in Ryder’s voice startled her.

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Why was he looking at her like that? Like he was hurting? She sniffed and wiped the tears from her face. “I’m tired.” She bent to pull a nightie from the bedside drawer when her stomach clenched tightly. She covered her mouth and ran for the toilet, fighting her way into the nightie as she went.

Her stomach rejected the three licks of ice cream, half a sandwich and handful of crackers she’d eaten that day—as well as the extra-large protein smoothie she’d had for breakfast. She had nothing left, but her stomach kept heaving.

“This can’t be normal.” Ryder placed a cool washcloth against her forehead.

She shook her head, horrified that he was there. It was bad enough that she was an emotional wreck, but he was here, in the room, at her side, while she dry-heaved into the toilet. She held her hand up, croaking, “You don’t have to be in here...”

He squatted beside her, rubbing the cool washcloth across her forehead again. “I need to be here,” he argued. “I need to take care of you.” His hand cradled her cheek, but she refused to meet his gaze. She was mortified. “Think you’re done?” he asked.

She nodded slowly.

His strong hands clasped hers, pulling her up. Dizziness had her swaying where she stood, so Ryder swung her up into his arms. She didn’t argue. She liked being in his arms, his big, warm, strong arms. She felt better there.

“You’re skin and bones,” he murmured.

“And babies,” she added.

She could feel him smiling at her even though she refused to look at him as he placed her on the bed.

“Josie’s coming over,” Annabeth blurted out. “She heard me crying—”

“Why were you crying?” The anguish was back, forcing her to look at him.

He was so beautiful it hurt. “I... I’m pregnant.”

He sat beside her on the bed, gently towel-drying her hair. His fingers brushed the nape of her neck. He set the towel down, sliding his fingers through the long locks of her hair. “Why are you so determined to keep me out?” His fingers kept moving, working gently through a snarl.

“I’m... I just...” Her mind raced. She’d made him a promise. She couldn’t exactly say, I love you and I want you to want to stay married to me even though I promised to divorce you once we knew about the job. Could she?

She took a deep breath and forced herself to look at him. His brow was creased, his frown tense. As soon as he saw her gaze on him, he cocked an eyebrow at her. She touched the spot between his eyebrows, rubbing out the furrow there. He smiled, a lop-sided grin that had her heart pounding. His hand caught hers.

Maybe she should just spit it out there?

“Hey, guys.” Josie arrived, carrying a bag. “I brought three tearjerkers, and two romantic comedies so we wouldn’t get too maudlin.”

Annabeth jumped up, then groaned.

“Come on, Princess.” Ryder stood, leading her to the overstuffed chair in the corner. “You sit. I think Josie and I can get things set up.”

“I don’t think I ever want to get pregnant.” Josie grimaced as she helped Ryder spread up the bed. “But I definitely want kids.”

Ryder’s expression was so comical, Annabeth had no choice but to laugh.

Ryder’s pale blue eyes settled on her face and she was wrapped in the comfort of his smile. It would have been better if she’d never known how good it could be. If nothing else, her time with Ryder had reminded her that love was more than responsibilities and work—it was about joy and having fun. If he left tomorrow, she’d hold on to the memories they’d made together.