He nodded, but didn’t look convinced. “So?” he prodded.

“As you all know, we’ve been interviewing candidates for the principal position at Stonewall Crossing Elementary School. This has been quite a process.” Haddie Miles’s voice rang out. “And we truly appreciate the quality of excellence each of our candidates had to offer our fair town.”

Cutter grumbled something, clearly impatient with Haddie’s speech.

“That being said, we felt that one candidate’s experience, familiarity with our community and references were the perfect fit for our fine school.” Haddie turned to the gentlemen of the school board, who all seemed content to let Haddie do the talking. “We would like to thank Mr. Ken Branson of Stonewall Crossing, Mrs. Olivia Sanchez of Glendale, Illinois, Mr. William Marshall of San Antonio and Mrs. Annabeth Boone of Stonewall Crossing for your time and patience throughout our deliberation.”

Ryder’s hand captured hers. His fingers threaded with hers, warm and soothing... She glanced at their entwined fingers. If not getting the job meant she kept Ryder, she didn’t want it. If she could keep him... But that wasn’t true, either. She wanted him to stay because he wanted to, not because he had to.

She looked at Ryder again.

It was too late, the damage was done. She’d been so naive. Marrying her had been the easy part. Divorcing her would cost him...everything. No one would ever forgive him, no matter what she said. And it would be her fault. She swallowed down the bile that nearly choked her.

She never wanted to hurt him.

So many hearts would be hurt. Their families’. Cody. Hers...

Why had she ever agreed to this?

“We are pleased to offer the position of principal to Mrs. Annabeth Boone.” Haddie Miles paused. “Where are you, Mrs. Boone?” She shielded her eyes and peered into the auditorium.

Annabeth stood, waving.

A smattering of applause broke out in the auditorium, making her look around for the first time. Quite a turnout, especially for Stonewall Crossing. The loyal volunteers were there. Most of the elementary staff sat on the far side of the dimly lit auditorium. No wonder she hadn’t noticed them when she came in. Ken Branson wasn’t pleased, but he was wearing his plastic smile.

“Mrs. Boone, the board has your contract for you to review. And, of course, you’ll have two weeks to decide if you still want to be principal.” Haddie laughed and Annabeth sat down.

The audience laughed, as well.

Annabeth wanted to cry, but forced herself to smile.

“As that concludes the board’s official business, we’ll open the floor to questions and concerns. Please remember to follow the rules...” Haddie carried on.

She stared straight ahead, smiling at the wall in front of her. She had to keep smiling, even though she wanted to cry.

“Told you so,” Ryder whispered, kissing her cheek softly. “Congratulations.”

“You did.” She glanced at him, more nervous now than she’d been all night. It was real, she had the job. She’d be okay. She could take care of Grandma Flo and Cody. And the twins. He could go now. The sting in her eyes caught her off guard.

“Meeting adjourned.” Haddie Miles whacked a gavel on the table with a surprising amount of force.

“Congratulations,” Janet said as she slipped into the row behind them.

“Yay!” Janet was there, and Lori and Abigail.

“So glad it’s you,” Lori added. “You’ll take care of us.”

Grandma Flo’s words went through her head. Sometimes hiding your feelings is better than showing them. This was definitely one of those times. “Thank you,” she tried to gush. “I’m so relieved.” She let go of Ryder’s hand, turning in her seat to smile at them all.

“Congrats.” Bryan Goebel sat behind Ryder. “Haven’t been here long, but it’s plain to see you’re the right choice.” He laughed. “Just don’t tell Ken I said that.”

“Thanks, Bryan.” She paused. “Has Ken mentioned the opening? Coach Hernandez decided it was time to retire after all.”

Bryan nodded. “Good to know.”

She spent the next few minutes accepting congratulations, all the while wishing she was home in bed. And not at the Lodge, but in her own tiny house. She wanted to cry it out, pull herself together and attack tomorrow with purpose. The sooner she and Cody were back in their tiny house, back in their routine, the sooner things would start to feel normal again. Normal—without Ryder.

For now, she kept up the small talk, aware of Ryder’s strong hand on the small of her back. What would she do without his strength?