He followed her into their bedroom and pulled out a pair of pressed slacks and a button-down oxford. “With the announcement and all, I imagine parents will be curious to see what’s decided.”

In true Texas-weather fashion, the temperature had climbed from the thirties to the eighties in a matter of days. She looked like spring in the yellow polka-dot sundress and white sweater she pulled on.

“Things are starting to get tight.” She turned, pushing the sleeves of her sweater up. “Is it... Am I obvious?”

Too him, she was perfection. Still a little too thin, maybe. But he suspected her stomach was only obvious to him because he knew she was carrying his babies. “Nope. You look beautiful.”

She rolled her eyes, sat on the edge of the bed and buckled her heels. “Are you sure your dad doesn’t mind watching Cody tonight—”

“Annabeth,” Ryder interrupted, tucking his shirt into his slacks. “Dad’s tickled pink he’s got a boy around that’s interested in model cars again.” He tugged on his boots. “They probably won’t even know we’re gone.”

Annabeth stood, smoothing down her skirt. “I don’t like imposing—”

“You’re not imposing.” He gripped her shoulders. “You’re family.”

She nodded, though the smile on her face wasn’t convincing.

“Ready?” he asked, surprised at how edgy he felt. “You’re meeting with the board privately, before the community meeting?”

She nodded, but her smile cooled, as if she was bracing for something.

“Hey.” He took her hand. “Everything’s going to be okay.” He squeezed her hand. “Right?”

There was something in her huge hazel eyes he didn’t understand—and it scared him. He didn’t like fear, wasn’t accustomed to it. If something scared him, he faced it head-on and fought it. What was there to fight? How could he win her?

Tonight he’d know if she needed him or not. If she got the job, she could take care of things on her own and she’d expect him to go. If she didn’t get the job...well, she’d be devastated. Either way, he couldn’t win. And there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

“Right.” She headed out of the bedroom, tense and rigid.

He followed, his stomach full of lead and his heart heavy. No matter what happened tonight, he wouldn’t give up. No matter what happened tonight, Annabeth was his wife. He’d figure out a way to fight—to hold on to her and their family. He had to.

* * *

ANNABETH SNUCK INTO the dim high school auditorium and scanned the crowd. The meeting had already started and there seemed to be some discussion about team sports. She saw Ryder instantly—and felt the air leaving her lungs.

She got the job. She would stay the principal. After their brief meeting, she’d gone to the bathroom to pull herself together.

Option A said he’d move to Dallas and take his dream job. Option A. The one she didn’t want.

She made her way to where he sat, his words replaying in her mind. Everything’s going to be okay... How was anything going to be okay? She was beyond excited about the job, but there was so much more at stake.

“Hey,” he whispered when he saw her.

She smiled at him, biting her bottom lip to stop the quiver. She saw the slight furrow of his brow and willed herself to really smile. It would have been easier if he wasn’t looking at her, waiting to hear. She stared right back, memorizing the chiseled brow and strong jaw. She was in love with him—but she’d have to let him go.

He winked.

Her heart stuttered a little, but she rolled her eyes as if it was no big deal.

“You good?” he whispered.

She wrinkled her nose, smoothin

g her hands over her stomach. But, for the first time in weeks, her nausea had nothing to do with the babies inside.

His expression went from playful to intense. “Need to go?”

She shook her head.