“It’s no inconvenience, Princess.” He kissed her forehead, then her nose. “We can’t stay here, it’s not safe. This is gonna be a major cleanup, too.” He looked at the roof. “Be a good idea to put most of this in storage, for now.”

“All I wanted was a morning in bed with you.” She frowned. “Talk about a mood-killer.”

“There are beds there. Big, comfy beds.” The muscle in his jaw was working. “Morning, afternoon, night, I’m there.” He kissed her, leaving no doubt that he meant it.

She burrowed into his arms, ignoring the leak and the puddles and the cold for a minute longer.

“I’ll call my dad.” Ryder’s voice was muffled in her hair.

“It’s barely six,” she argued.

“He’s up, I guarantee it.” He smiled, his hold easing.

“I guess I’ll get dressed and see about finding packing materials.” Her brain was already making lists of things she’d need to do. “What a mess.”

“Nothing that can’t be fixed.” He tilted her head back. “How’s your stomach?”

She smiled. “Hungry.”

“Good.” He headed for the kitchen and pulled out a skillet and eggs. “Breakfast will be ready in a bit.”

She watched him, smiling at his outfit. Boxer shorts, boots and his thick work coat. And he still managed to look hot. “You want your pants?” She laughed.

He smiled at her. “Am I distracting you?”

She cocked her head. Did he know that she wanted to drag him back to bed? She sighed. The bed where Cody was now soundly sleeping. “Yes, you are,” she admitted.

His jaw was working again, and she liked it. “The couch isn’t wet,” he suggested, an egg in his hand.

She rolled her eyes, but her breath was unsteady. “What am I going to do with you, Ryder Boone?”

He grinned, his signature I’m-going-to-rock-your-world grin. “I have some suggestions—”

She held up her hand, heading from the kitchen. “Stop.” But she was giggling.

Chapter Thirteen

Ryder stood watching his wife mingle with the people of Stonewall Crossing. He knew she was exhausted. Neither one of them had been getting a lot of sleep recently. Between the storm, the damage to the house and moving into the Lodge, he and Annabeth hadn’t had much time alone. But he felt confident he was making headway with his plan—destroy Option A.

Sure, living under the same roof as his father took some getting used to. But Annabeth was one of those people who kept the peace, without even trying. And Cody was settling in. His father had given them the only suite in the Lodge, so he had his own room—even if he’d spent last night sleeping between them. Overall, life was damn good.

“I think she gets prettier every time I see her.” John Hardy clapped him on the back.

Ryder nodded. “No one prettier.”

John chuckled.

Ryder shook his head. “I’m whipped.”

“That’s all right.” John laughed. “A man would be downright foolish not to be with a woman like that.”

Ryder watched Annabeth laugh. He couldn’t agree more.

“I need to talk to you, if you have a minute?” John asked.

“Yes, sir,” he agreed, leading John into one of the smaller rooms off the great room.

“My kids have all up and moved, you know that. None of them are interested in my line of work, anyway. You are.” John paused. “Now, with Annabeth and your family, I figure you might be willing to take on the garage.”