“I’ve done the whole wedding thing,” Annabeth answered honestly. Even without the rush to the altar, she wouldn’t have wanted another big wedding. “I’m more interested in being married.” Married, to a partner, a friend, someone to rely on. She looked at Ryder, unnerved by the intensity in his pale blue eyes.

“When you put it that way, it makes perfect sense.” Renata smiled.

Annabeth didn’t resist leaning into Ryder when he slipped his arm around her waist. If anything, she wanted his support.

“You tell Dad?” Renata asked.

Ryder laughed. “It just happened.”

“Normally the family knows before it happens,” Renata argued. “You two might be fine without all the ceremony, but this town isn’t going to let that happen.”

Ryder shook his head. “Renata.”

“Come on, Ryder.” Renata frowned. “Annabeth’s the principal of the elementary school. You’re a Boone, your family built this town. There has to be a celebration. People will think it’s weird if we don’t.”

She has a point. “I don’t see the harm in a little get-together,” Annabeth agreed, shooting for enthusiasm. “Then we can tell everyone at once.” She smiled up at Ryder.

Ryder wasn’t sold on the idea. “You sure?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Nothing too big, I promise,” Renata went on. “I’ll take care of everything, don’t you worry. We’ll just open up the Lodge, invite...everyone.”

“Everyone?” Ryder asked.

Annabeth’s stomach rumbled, sudden nausea rising up.

“Didn’t you feed her before you came?” Renata asked. “Ryder Boone, you’ve spent too many years being doe-eyed over Annabeth. Now that you’ve got her, you better take care of her. You two go on and I’ll call you later, once everything’s set.” She paused, winking. “Maybe I’ll wait and call you tomorrow.”

Ryder Boone had never been doe-eyed, ever. But Annabeth was surprised by the pleasure Renata’s words gave her. She only had a few seconds to glance at Ryder—before being engulfed in another of Renata’s hugs—but there was no missing the color on his cheeks. Or the tightness in his jaw. Either he was irritated by his sister’s teasing or... No, he had not and would never be sweet on her. They were—and always had been—just friends. She thanked Mack McCoy and let Ryder lead her out of the small building.

“I can tell Renata to cancel the party, if you want?” Ryder offered.

Annabeth glanced at him. “If you don’t want to—”

“Didn’t mean that.” He smiled. “I can see that brain of yours working. Guess there’s a lot we need to talk about, huh?”

“The list keeps getting longer,” she agreed.

“Think you can stomach some pancakes or something first?”

Pancakes sounded good. “I’ll try.”

He took her hand in his and led her down the brick sidewalk toward Pop’s Bakery. “Might as well let Lola and Carl know, too. Between them and my sister, Stonewall Crossing will know you’re my wife before we’re done eating.”

Wife. “Ryder,” she murmured, pulling against him.

“What’s wrong, Princess?” His pale blue eyes bore into hers.

“It’s a lot,” she murmured, trying not to get distracted by the heat in his gaze...or the memory of the way he looked tousled and shirtless in her bed. “All of it.”

“I know.” His attention lingered on the ring on his left hand. “Let’s eat and go home.”

They hadn’t discussed that, either. “Home as in my place? Or home as in your apartment? Or, are you... If you don’t want...” She cleared her throat. “You don’t have to stay with me—”

He frowned. “The apartment won’t hold you, Cody and the baby.”

She looked around them, panicked that someone might hear him.