Ryder Boone, all intense and broody, was making his way to her side. She sighed, relieved to have someone familiar show up. But Ryder was staring at Troy, eyes narrowed and assessing. Ryder stepped between her and Troy, putting her eye level with his wall of a chest, and cupped her face in his rough hands. She frowned at Ryder, startled by his touch. Was something wrong? “Ryder, what are you—?”

And then he kissed her. Ryder was kissing her. Ryder Boone was kissing her?

Not just any nice-to-see-you peck, either. His lips always looked full, soft and inviting. Now she knew they felt that way, too. They were like heaven, nipping at her lower lip until she was gasping. She swayed into him, the steel of his arms catching her and pulling her closer. Her head was spinning, too mixed-up to process what she was feeling... Only one thing was absolutely certain—Ryder Boone could kiss. It might have been almost six years since a man’s kiss had every inch of her aching with want, but Ryder had her aching and wanting, desperately. Now.

His lips parted hers, the tip of his tongue touching hers. Her fingers dug into his leather jacket, clinging. His mouth lifted from hers, the rough pad of his thumb brushing across her lower lip.

Ryder. She was all hot and bothered. Over Ryder.

“Ready to go, Princess?” Ryder’s voice was gruff.

She shook her head, trying to shake the fog of desire from her brain. Why wasn’t he kissing her anymore? Wait. What the hell was happening?

“Princess?” he repeated.

Right, he was asking her something. “‘Go’?” she managed, staring up at Ryder. Was he serious? And if he was, did he mean what she thought he meant? They may have flirted for years, years and years, but he’d never touched her. Besides, it would have been weird, since he was Greg’s best friend.

“She’s not going anywhere.” Troy spoke up. “We just made a bet, didn’t we, Annabeth?” Troy might be grinning, but he wasn’t happy. The change in his stance was subtle but clear. Troy was bracing for a fight.

And Ryder was ready. His sky-blue gaze fixed on Troy, the slightest tick in his jaw muscle revealing his agitation. She shivered, stepping closer to Ryder warily.

Ryder’s hands rubbed her arms, his attention returning to her. He arched an eyebrow, smiling his I’m-going-to-rock-your-world-tonight smile at her. She’d seen it in action, many times. Not that she’d ever been on the receiving end of it...before. Was he serious? Or was she having a reaction to the tequila?

“What’s it gonna be, Princess?” His lips brushed her brow while his fingers threaded through hers. “You want to finish your game? Or you ready to go?”

His scent filled her nostrils, further clouding her mind. She blinked, the slightest tremble running down her spine. “Now?”

He bounced his eyebrows playfully, his gaze focused on her mouth. “Now.”

And then he kissed her again. It wasn’t a soft, slow sort of kiss, either. He twisted her hair through his fingers, tugging her head back as his mouth devoured hers. She went from light-headed to holding on for dear life. His breath, his tongue, his soft little growl as he deepened the kiss. She was drowning and she loved it.

He broke off slowly, breathing hard. He seemed just as stunned as she was. Could he want her the way she was wanting him? “Ready?” His voice was gruff.

She managed a nod. She was ready. Until this second, she hadn’t realized just how ready she was. And never in a million years had she expected to do this with Ryder. But now, yes please, she was ready.

“Night, boys.” Ryder touched the brim of his cowboy hat in mock salute, threw some cash on the bar, slid his arm around her waist and led her to the door.

It was frigid outside, but all she felt was the slow burn in her belly and the startling heat of Ryder’s palm aga

inst her side. By the time he’d loaded her into his truck and climbed up beside her, Annabeth was buzzing with anticipation. She didn’t think about why he’d decided tonight was the night or what might happen tomorrow. Nope, she climbed into his lap, knocked his black felt hat into the backseat, cradled his face between her hands and kissed him. It had been so long...so damn long. And she was lonely.

Ryder was Ryder. She’d never thought about having a hot one-night stand but, if she was going to, Ryder was probably the best candidate. He knew what he was doing, according to his conquests, and he didn’t want complications.

“Princess,” he growled.

“Shh,” she answered, sliding her hands under his shirt to feel the rock-hard abs beneath. She shivered, frantically sliding his belt free and unbuttoning his pants. “I need this, Ryder. I need you.”

* * *

RYDER HAD TO stop this.

Seeing Annabeth with Troy Clark, knowing the way Clark operated, had goaded him into action. He was running on a couple hours of sleep, so he wasn’t in the best condition for a fight. Kissing Annabeth seemed...easier. Clark was an ass, but he’d back off if he thought Annabeth was with Ryder. Ryder never guessed she’d react this way—that he’d react this way.

This was Annabeth. The Annabeth who’d defended him from bullies in first grade. The Annabeth who’d helped him with hours of English homework. The Annabeth he’d taught to drive stick. The Annabeth who’d married his best friend. She was Greg’s widow—off-limits, the “princess.” She was a good girl, too good for him—and always would be. He had no right to touch her.

But she said she needed this, needed him.

And, damn him, he’d always wanted her.