“I want you to like her, yes, but I’ve never lied to you. I’m not going to start now.” He paused. “Your mom and I had problems that had nothing to do with Jo.”

“You’ve made your mind up. She’s who you want, no matter what I think. She’s the only thing you’ve ever wanted.”

Hunter frowned. “Son, if you weren’t the most important thing in my life, I wouldn’t be here, talking to you, fighting with you. But I am. I didn’t run after Jo—I stayed to raise you. I thought you knew you were my world.” He’d lived every single day with his son’s well-being foremost in his mind. He loved his boy. Every dirty diaper, first step, scrape or tumble, call from the principal, had kept Hunter alive and breathing.

“Because she wasn’t here.” Eli’s voice rose.

“Damn it, Eli. Whether Jo is here or she leaves, you’re always my son. You’ll always be first. Always.”

Eli shook his head. “You said you’d never lie to me, but you are. How can I be first, if you’re with her?”

“There are times we’re not going to agree on things. I imagine it’ll happen more the older you get.” He paused, searching his son’s face. “You don’t like Jo, I get that. I won’t force the two of you together anymore. Tomorrow night, the float, that’s it. But in my spare time, I will see her.”

“Until she leaves you again!” Eli shouted.

Hunter’s nod was tight. He couldn’t guarantee she’d stay, that much was true. But he’d take any time she gave him. “Until she leaves.”

“Dad.” Eli shook his head, seething. “You’re an idiot.”

“I’ll tolerate you being angry, Eli. But I will not accept your disrespect. Whether you’re talking to me or Miss Stephens, you will watch your tone. You hear me?”

Eli’s face crumpled, his chin quivering. “Yes, sir.”

“It’s late.” His eyes stung, hot and sharp, but Hunter stood his ground. “Go on to bed now.”

Eli turned, stomped down the hall and slammed the door behind him.

He didn’t know what was worse, the fact that his son was hurting so much or that he had no way to make it easier. Not seeing Jo, giving her up and going back to the way it was— He couldn’t do it. He loved his son, he always would. And he loved Jo, too. He’d be damned if he couldn’t figure out how to have them both.

Chapter Fourteen

“Shit,” Annabeth muttered. She sipped her coffee. “This is bad. Lola’s probably got half the town talking about me dating this mystery man.” She shook her head, then spoke up, “Cody, honey, try to chew with your mouth closed.”

Cody nodded, his face covered in frosting and gingerbread crumbs.

“Why is it bad?” Josie asked. “It’s not true.”

Annabeth glanced at the small group of regulars who frequented the bakery each morning. “Maybe.”

Josie laughed. “Maybe? So you’re keeping secrets from me?”

“Pot, meet kettle,” Annabeth said pointedly.

Josie glanced at Cody, who was smearing his frosting across the tabletop. “Maybe we should have this conversation later?”

Annabeth sat back, a huge smile on her face. “Um, definitely now.” She saw Cody’s creation. “Cody, sweetie, that’s gorgeous, but please keep it on the plate for Mommy.”

Cody nodded.

“He’s quite the talker.” Josie smiled.

Annabeth shrugged. “He’s pretty quiet, but the counselor says it can be normal, after losing someone.”

Josie looked at the little boy. He was precious. And fatherless.

“I just hope Miss Worley will

stop the gossip before it gets carried away.” Annabeth finished wiping up Cody’s art with a mass of napkins. “Small towns like to talk. Which is fine as long as it’s not about the elementary school principal, you know?”