“Happy holidays!” His father was all smiles, giving Jo a big hug and kiss. “You look as pretty as one of your pictures.”

Hunter disagreed. Pretty didn’t begin to describe how Jo looked. Her black sweater fitted her snugly, hugging her breasts and reminding him of how well they fit in his hands.

“Aren’t your pictures normally animals?” Fisher picked her up in a bear hug. “Or landscapes? Don’t be offended, Josie.”

“Hi, Fisher.” She laughed. “You really don’t have to pick me up every time we see each other.”

“No?” his brother asked.

“No,” Hunter answered before he thought.

His brother grinned, ear to ear, as he set her down. “Looks like he can’t stand a little competition, Josie,” Fisher whispered, winking at her.

Hunter ignored his brother’s teasing, but not the rosy hue of Josie’s cheeks. If he didn’t get a grip on his emotions, tonight was going to be one hell of a long night.

“Joselyn.” Archer nodded at her. “Nice to see you.”

“You, too, Archer.” She smiled in response, her nerves showing.

Ryder winked in greeting, and she waved back.

“Hey, Josie.” His sister, Renata, was all smiles.

Josie stared at Renata before pulling her into a hug. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

He grinned. His little sister was a little too gorgeous for his liking. Too blonde, too blue-eyed, with a figure that turned too many heads. Thank God she had a good head on her shoulders or he and his brothers would be headed for trouble.

“She’s all grown up,” his father agreed.

Renata laughed, hugging her back. “It has been a while since we’ve seen each other.”

“Time goes faster the older you are.” His father hooked arms with Josie. “That’s why it’s so important to make every minute count.”

“You sound like my dad,” Josie said.

“Imparting words of wisdom is a father’s job.” Teddy patted Josie’s arm. “Come say hello, Eli. We’ve got guests, so pretend like you’ve got some manners.” He winked at his grandson.

Hunter had never had to punish his son before, not really, but Eli had never treated anyone with such disrespect. He barely nodded at Jo, before shaking hands with Carl and letting Lola kiss his cheek.

“Santa’s big on manners.” Renata poked Eli in the side, making Eli smile reluctantly.

Dinner was a mash-up of good and bad. Hunter sat beside Josie, enjoying every accidental brush of her hand against his. When he passed the rolls or the butter, he let his fingers linger just so he could watch her cheeks turn rosy. He couldn’t resist touching her. The way her breath caught in her throat when he let his hand fall from his lap to her thigh almost had him dragging her from the room. She shifted to the opposite side of her chair, her grip on her wineglass tightening. He couldn’t stop grinning. He couldn’t ignore the pull between them. Electric, hot, charging the air between them. Damn, but he was hard wit

h want before they’d started eating.

Conversation ebbed and flowed, but every second he was aware of her. The way she looked at her father and Lola was so hopeful and happy. The longing on her face as she laughed at his siblings’ teasing... She hadn’t had a lot of family get-togethers and love in her home growing up. He knew her mom had done a number on her, muddying the waters when it came to real love and commitment. And his betrayal, with Amy, hadn’t helped. But, if she’d give him another chance, he’d show her that family could be loyal, sticking together to the end, even when things were tough.

Josie stiffened, her entire body rigid.

“Jo?” he whispered, the others engrossed in one of Fisher’s stories.

She looked at him, her silver-gray eyes searching his.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Fine.” But he heard the tremor in her voice.

“You can write a book about that,” Fisher finished. “Not sure it’s fit for kids, though.”