“Really, Dad? But you’re not eating in the dining room, so why can’t she just be a dog and eat in the kitchen?” Josie put her hands on her hips. Sprinkles circled her, yipping loudly. “Am I supposed to set you a place at the table? Or will you have your meal on the floor?”

Her father frowned at her. “Don’t get all sassy. A man gets lonely without a companion.” A strange look crossed his face and he patted his shirt pocket. “Be right back.” He moved, more quickly than she’d seen him move in a while, back down the hall to his room.

Josie poured Sprinkles a heaping bowl of dog food, then refilled her water bowl. “What, no thank-you?” Sprinkles eyed the food, then the water, then flopped down in her dog bed. Josie shook her head and loaded the food they were bringing into her father’s small extended cab pickup truck. Her father came out, looking rather dashing.

“You look all spiffed up, Dad.” She noticed the slight color on his cheeks. “So, how was bingo last night?”

“Oh, fine. Lola won, as always. I’m convinced she’s got the game rigged.” He locked the front door behind them.

“By using magnetized bingo balls or something?” Josie couldn’t help but tease as she climbed into the truck.

Her father joined her, staring at her. “I never thought of that one. Hmm, sounds like a lot of work—”

“Dad, I was kidding.” She laughed.

“You sure we made enough?” Her father eyed the six loaves of sweet bread and tray of assorted delectable holiday treats. “There are a lot of Boones out there.”

“I think we’ll be fine, Dad.”

“You should see Fisher eat. And Eli. Boys must have hollow legs.”

They picked up Lola, and Josie moved to the backseat, listening to them chatter about the upcoming festivities on the square and any little snippets of gossip Lola had to share, as well.

“I know she’s a friend of yours, but there’s a rumor that Principal Upton has herself a fella.” Lola turned in her seat.

Josie shook her head. “Not that I know of. Annabeth’s been pretty up-front about being lonely.” She didn’t mention the sexting to Lola. She might adore the older woman, but she knew Lola Worley loved to talk. “Out of curiosity, why?”

Lola nodded. “Well, her neighbor saw flowers being delivered to her house. And she’s had a babysitter three more times than she usually does.”

Josie didn’t say a word. One of those nights, Annabeth had been with her. And she’d had Career Night, too. But that was all she knew of. She sighed. Was she really going to dissect Annabeth’s babysitting schedule to determine whether she was dating? No. No, she wasn’t. And she wasn’t going to ask her, either. If Annabeth wanted to tell her, she would.

The closer they got to Boone Ranch, the more nervous Josie felt. Once they parked, she took more time than necessary collecting the travel containers of food. Her dad and Lola were inside when she heard, “Can I help?”

Hunter pulled her against him, his hands sliding down the length of her back to her hips and back up to rest on her shoulders.

* * *

SHE FELT SO good against him. As though she was made for him.

“Hi.” Her whisper was unsteady. He liked it.

He nodded, bending to kiss her.


“Hold that thought,” he murmured, pressing his lips against hers. It was one of those deep, openmouthed, soft kisses that had her clinging to his shirt and swaying into him. With a soft groan, he loosened his hold on her. As tempting as it was to load her into his truck and take her to his place, he knew better. Instead, he dropped a swift kiss on the tip of her nose, asking, “What were you saying?”

Her breathless laugh warmed him through. “I think I was going to say something about being seen or this wasn’t a good idea...” She trailed off.

“That’s what I thought.”

“You knew I was going to say that? And you kissed me?” He watched her eyes narrow.

“Worked for me,” he argued, collecting the containers from the truck. “Good thing it’s cold out here or everyone in the house would know I was hungry for something other than food right now.”

She stared up at him. Something about ruffling her feathers made him a little too happy. He winked. “Come on. We stay out here too long, Lola will talk.”

She hurried up the steps to the porch, holding open the door for him.