He kissed her, laying her back on the bed beneath him. At some point his boxers joined the mass of clothes spread out all over his bedroom floor.

She cupped his face, her gaze taking in his every reaction. Flared nostrils, locked jaw, his eyes radiated hunger and need barely restrained. Her fingers trailed along his cheek, his neck, tracing the corded muscle along his sides to grip his hips and arch against him. He groaned, his molten-hot gaze searing her as he slowly entered her. Such sweet torture. Breathing was a challenge. He stopped then, buried deep and breathing hard, and rested his forehead against hers, letting them both adjust to the feel of one another.

His hand smoothed the tangled curls from her face before he kissed her. When he moved, they came together, which drew her into a place of pure sensation. Each touch, each sigh, left her wanting more. She moved with him. She’d forgotten how magic they were together. Sweet and soft, hot and hard, his body pushed her higher. She welcomed each thrust, holding on to him with all the strength she had. When her body tightened, the power of her climax forced her to cry out. His body bowed, each and every muscle contracting against her. Together, they fell over the edge. From raw and unyielding hunger to flushed, peaceful fulfillment, she was content.

He lay at her side, his hand sliding across her stomach to cup her breast. She looked at him. He smiled back. “Warm enough?” he asked gruffly.

She started giggling. “I’ve still got my socks on.”

He sat up, glancing down. “Sexy.” He flopped back down beside her.

She shook her head, stroking the side of his face.

His hand covered hers as he leaned down to kiss her.

“Jo...” His face turned serious, worrying her.

She covered his mouth. “Tonight, let’s leave the past and the future on the other side of that door.” She pointed at his bedroom door. “Please.” She hadn’t meant for this to happen. Okay, maybe that wasn’t entirely true. But now that it had, she didn’t know what to do about it. She loved him, she knew that. But saying those three words didn’t mean things would simply fall into place. There were complications, lots of complications. She didn’t believe in happy endings or forever love stories. And, even if she wanted to believe, she knew she’d mess it up.

And there was Eli.

He was frowning—she could feel it against her palm. “Tell me what’s happening at the school. How are the puppies? Mars?” She moved her hand.

“Getting stronger every day.” His fingers stroked along the inside of her arm. “How’s your dad?”

She closed her eyes to absorb the sensation. “Getting stronger every day.”

He chuckled. “He and Lola. You good with that?”

“I’m great with that.” She shivered as he drew a finger from the base of her throat to her belly button. “I don’t want him alone.” She glanced at him. “It’s nice to know, no matter where I am, they’ll look out for each other.”

His hand cupped her breast. “Any decision on the job?”

“Still thinking—” But his mouth on her nipple prevented her from finishing her sentence.

“When do you need to decide?” he asked, looking at her.

“Soon. The job doesn’t start till May—”

“Plenty of time to consider all your options.” His voice was low, his breath hot against her breast.

“I’ll call soon—” she managed to whisper before her nipple was sucked deep into his mouth.

He released her. “I’m hungry.”

She blinked, staring at him.

“You hungry?” he asked, smiling a little too smugly.

Food. He was teasing her? Now? Her body was already humming again, but it was a different kind of hunger.

“No?” His fingers trailed across her stomach.

“You’re playing with fire, Dr. Boone.” She rolled on top of him.

He laughed. “Am I?”

She nodded, aware of his every breath, twitch and reaction. He wasn’t as unaffected as he was acting. “You are.”