He laughed, a deep, rich sound that filled the cab. “That’s not exactly the way it happened.”

“Storyteller, remember?” she teased.

“Not the way your dates normally start?” he asked, still smiling. He started the truck and backed up, pulling down Main Street.

“If I had a normal dating protocol, I’d have to say no.” She laughed then. “What about you? I guess playing doctor is a possibility—”

“Nope.” He shrugged. “Not much opportunity, between work and Eli and all.”

“No?” She didn’t want to point out that she’d been here for less than two weeks and he’d found the time to cook her dinner, make a house call for her dad and take her on a date. “I can’t imagine how hard it is, being a single parent.” Not that she hadn’t thought about being a mom. She had, a lot. But motherhood meant relationships and that, she knew, wasn’t going to happen.

He shook his head. “Not really, not for me, anyway. It’s more like Eli’s got four fathers. And my dad and sister, Renata, make sure to spoil him now and then.”

Eli was lucky to have so much love. Eli, who couldn’t be happy about his father’s date tonight. She sighed, not wanting to think about the rage she’d seen in the young boy’s eyes, not tonight. “So, what do you do, besides work and fatherhood?”

“That’s about it, Jo,” he answered, amused. “A man’s gotta sleep.”

She sighed. “So you’re a hobbyless, dateless hermit?”

He chuckled. “What about you?”

“I work, a lot. And when I’m not doing murals or teaching classes or working on a book, I’m painting. You know me...” She broke off, glancing at him. “Guess I haven’t changed all that much.”

He looked at her. “Not much.” He turned his attention back to the road, but she saw the way his hands tightened on the steering wheel and wondered at it. “Dad mentioned a new job. Does that mean you’re moving?”

She nodded. “New Mexico Art Institute offered me an artist-in-residency position. It could be a great opportunity. Guess it’s time for me to think about putting down some roots.”

“And New Mexico is where you want to be?” If it was, that was all the answer he needed.

“I don’t know. After spending the day with Annabeth, Lola and Dara, I’ve learned one thing. I’m not sure what I want. Except that, if I don’t make some decisions, I’ll be homeless and unemployed.” Her laugh sounded forced—she heard it. But she was beginning to wonder if the job, the move, the starting over, was really what she wanted.

“That’s not true, Jo. You’ll always have a home. Carl would love to have you back in Stonewall Crossing. I know it’s not where you imagined yourself ending up, but—”

“I don’t mind it,” she admitted. When she’d been lying there, wide-awake, she’d mulled over the possibility of staying there longer. Her new story idea was really shaping up. Who knew, if she stayed, maybe more ideas would come. “Stonewall Crossing, I mean.”

“No?” He sounded surprised.

“Not anymore. Time and distance can put things into serious perspective. I was so...so ready to escape. Not that I had anything to escape from, but I didn’t get that then. Dad was good to me, more than good. Things were stable.” She dared to glance at him. “I...I was young. And stupid. And scared.”


“Life has shown me one thing, Hunter. When things were good, when I was safe or happy, it wasn’t going to last. If I stayed and...” She didn’t finish the sentence, because she’d lost Hunter, anyway. She’d left because she was too scared to fight for him, to trust him, and her worst fears were realized. “Like I said, I was young and stupid. Somehow I thought leaving would make it less painful—since it was my choice.”

“Jo.” He sighed. “Your mom’s version of family and love was messed up. I won’t argue with that. But you had Carl. You had people who wanted you to stay.” His tone was hard. “People who would have gone with you, if you’d asked.”

People who would have gone with you, if you’d asked. She stared at him, stunned. Was he talking about him? Was he—

His phone started ringing. He pressed a button on the steering wheel. “Dr. Boone.”

“Hunter, Archer here.” The clipped voice spilled into the truck cab. “Mars is in trouble.”

Hunter’s head dipped, his voice tight. “Define trouble.”

“Accelerated heart rate. Labored breathing. Hold on.” There was some background noise, rustling and voices. “Pups are fine at the moment. You’d wanted me to let you know if something changed, so I am.”

Even in the dim illumination, she could see Hunter’s jaw lock.

“You need to go?” she asked. She didn’t know who Mars was, but Hunter was worried. If Hunter needed to be with Mars, then that’s where they needed to be. “Let’s go.”