“Tomorrow’s bingo at the Senior Center. Think they’re having a holiday party after that and I’m sure, what with Lola being there and all, he’ll be going.” He waited.

No arguing now. She stared at him, knowing he’d won. “Okay,” she murmured.

“Wear something nice.”

“Wear something nice?” she muttered.

His smile grew.

“Why are you smiling like that?” she bit out.

“I feel like smiling.” He shrugged.

She tried to glare at him, she really did. But his smile was just too infectious. She liked him smiling. She liked that he could make her want to smile. Like now. In fact, there was no way she could stop the one spreading across her face.

The front door opened. “You two done? I’m getting a touch of frostbite out here.” Her father walked in, rubbing his hands together.

“Dad.” She wrapped an arm around her dad and led him into the living room. She tugged his recliner closer to the fireplace. “Sit and warm up. I’ll make you some hot chocolate.”

“Checking on Sprinkles, Hunter?” her dad asked as he sat. “Come o

n in and warm up. Josie can make you some hot chocolate, too, can’t you, Josie?”

She glanced at Hunter. To her extreme aggravation, he laughed. “I’ll have to take you up on that some other night. Eli stayed to help Mrs. Upton clean up, but I imagine he’s ready for me to pick him up by now. You still playing bingo at the Senior Center tomorrow night?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. Lola’s asked a few of us over for a late dinner afterward.” She heard the satisfaction in her father’s voice.

“So you won’t mind if I take Jo out for a bit?” Hunter asked.

She glared at Hunter. Was he asking her father permission? “Oh, please—”

Her father held up his hand. “I’ll be honest, Hunter, I have a few concerns. Josie’s lighter fluid and you are her match. You two left a lot of destruction last time around, for all those that love you.”

She paused again, wrapping her arms around her waist. Her attention fixed on her father. He might be teasing, a little, but he was also making a point. She’d been so angry and hurt, she hadn’t stopped to think about anyone but herself, not her father, the Boone family or Hunter. And she sincerely regretted the way she’d shut everyone out. “It was a long time ago, Dad.” She tried to sound flippant but failed.

“It was,” her father agreed. “But some wounds take a lot of time to heal—if they heal at all.”

* * *

HUNTER STIFFENED. CARL’S words hung there, too big to ignore. He couldn’t help but look at Jo then. The older man was right—some wounds took a long time to heal. He never wanted to open himself up to a hurt like the one he’d felt when Josie had left. It had broken him, clawed at his insides until he’d worried he’d split in two. But she hadn’t left because of what had happened with Amy. She’d left him before Amy had been in the picture. She’d left because she’d wanted to.

Her gray eyes were looking everywhere but at him. He wondered about that. Did she know how alone he’d felt? That his love had felt insignificant when she’d tossed it aside so quickly.

Her college admissions letter had been her golden ticket out of Stonewall Crossing. Away from him. He knew the art program in New Mexico was the one she wanted most in the country. And he wanted only the best for her. He’d dropped hints about doing his undergrad work anywhere, but she’d never acknowledged them or asked him to come with her. She’d just left. He didn’t blame her for leaving, for following her dreams. But it killed him to know that he hadn’t been a part of them. To him, it had been their future. To her, it was about getting out and starting over.

That wound was one he still wasn’t over.

What happened after that was all his fault. Jo had been gone for months, her calls getting further and further apart. He’d missed her, missed feeling loved and needed. Amy had been all too willing to ignore his drunken state and lead him home to bed.

Jo had been hurt—he’d hurt her. And he hated himself for what he’d done to her heart. If there was a way to apologize, to undo the heartbreak one tortured night caused so many people, he would. But Eli was the result of that one night, and his son was his life. Even if Jo was still the love of his life.

Hunter realized Jo was watching him, her forehead furrowed. “If you’re against it—”

“I didn’t say that.” Carl waved his hand. “It’ll be good for you two to have some time, to work through whatever it is that’s there. And enjoy some holiday cheer while you’re at it.”

Whatever it is that’s there. His heart knew exactly what was between them. Jo’s gaze met his then and his throat went dry.

“And Sprinkles is fine,” Carl went on. “She’s been trying to scratch her way through the linoleum for some...” But Hunter was watching the panic creep into Jo’s eyes.