“Well...I’m a little drunk.” She grinned at him. “So it’s probably something I should think about later. But it has potential, maybe.”

He smiled. “Get some sleep, Jo.” He opened the front door, glancing back at her.

“Sweet dreams, Hunter.” Her sleepy-soft smile tempted him.

He swallowed, knowing damn well what his dreams would be. “You, too, Jo.”

Chapter Five

“Pop’s Bakery,” Josie answered.

“Josie, it’s Lola Worley.”

Josie smiled. “Morning, Miss Lola. Staying warm?”

“You bet, sugar. Not liking the ice on the roads all that much, though.” She paused. “I’ve got a favor. I know you’re busy and all, but my grandson Tyler’s in a fix.”

Josie waved at the two older cowboys leaving the bakery. “What can I do?”

“Well, his uncle George was planning on coming in to talk to the kids about being a farrier for Career Night. But this ice has closed the roads and he can’t get here.”

“That’s a shame.”

“It is, it is. Especially since Tyler’s getting extra credit for bringing in a speaker. He’s having real trouble with math this year, let me tell you. Would you be willing to stand in? As an author, not a farrier.”

She laughed. “That’s a relief. I don’t even know what a farrier is. When is it?”

“Tomorrow night. I know it’s short notice and all—”

“I don’t mind at all.” She paused, thinking of her dad. “Would you be free to keep Dad company?”

Lola laughed. “I was hoping you’d ask.”

“Lola—” Josie hesitated. “Why don’t you just tell my dad you’re sweet on him?”

“Josie!” Lola was laughing harder now. “I’m not going to do everything for the old coot.”

“When you put it that way,” Josie conceded.

“It starts at six. I’ll be over at five-thirty?”


“I’ll see you tomorrow night. Don’t you worry about feeding me, either. I make a chicken potpie your daddy just adores. Bye now.”

Josie was still smiling when she hung up the phone.

“Any more gingerbread?” Josie looked up into the face of Teddy Boone. He had pale blue eyes framed by thick brown lashes. And when he smiled, as he was doing now, he had a wealth of fine lines to emphasize his good nature.

Josie was rooted to the spot.

“You better get over here and hug me, girl.” Teddy waved her forward.

Josie ran around the counter and into the man’s waiting arms. “Hi, Teddy.”

“Hi, yourself.” He held Josie back, inspecting her from head to toe. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

“And you look exactly the same.”