She wasn’t meant for love or marriage or relationships—she was too much like her mother.

Sprinkles croaked a bark, announcing their company’s arrival.

“Come on in,” her father called.

“Evening, Carl.” She heard Hunter’s voice and smiled. “What’s cooking? My mouth is watering.”

“Josie’s been in there slaving away.” She heard her father laugh. “Think she still feels guilty for poisoning Sprinkles.”

“Dad!” She rubbed her hands on the front of her apron and walked into the living room.

Hunter, Eli and Dad were waiting. Her father and Hunter were grinning. Eli wasn’t.

“He was funnin’ you, Jo.” Hunter shook his head, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

“You brought flowers for Sprinkles?” her father asked. “Now, doesn’t that beat all?” He winked at Josie. “Go get a vase, will you, Josie? We can put the flowers on the mantel there, so Sprinkles can see them.”

She shot her father a look. Was he teasing? “Sure.” She turned, heading back into the kitchen.

“I didn’t know I was buying Sprinkles flowers.” Hunter was behind her.

She spun around. “Oh?” He was so tall, so close, so mind-blowingly gorgeous. She stepped back, her hip bouncing against the corner of the kitchen counter.

“I’m a devoted vet and all, but you gotta draw the line somewhere.” His eyes crinkled as he smiled.

“So the flowers were for Dad,” she teased, filling up a cut-glass vase. She took the blooms, clipping the ends off.

“I don’t make a habit of buying flowers for animals or old men.”

She glanced at him, arranging the flowers. “Nice to know Dad’s special, then. Makes sense to me.”

They stared at each other for a long time. She wasn’t sure what to say or do. He was just standing there. Taking up the air in the room. Staring at her, a crooked grin on his face.

“Sprinkles is awake,” her dad announced, followed by the sound of the dog throwing up.

Hunter laughed. “How’s it going?”

“A lot of that.” She nodded in the direction of the living room. “Dad’s been watching her like a hawk.”

“Hello?” Lola’s voice was singsongy. “How are both our patients?”

Josie relaxed.

“Evening, Miss Worley. Can I get that for you?” Eli entered the kitchen carrying a cake plate. Lola followed close behind. She gave everyone a quick hug.

“Mmm, something smells good.” Lola peeked in the stove. “You made fresh rolls, too? What a good little wife you’d make.” She patted Josie’s cheek. “You go on and have fun tonight. Me and the boys here will keep your dad in line.”

Hunter looked at her. “You’re going out?”

She nodded.

“A well-deserved night out.” Lola smiled. “Just point me in the direction of the plates.”

Josie showed Lola around the kitchen and handed off her apron before joining her father in the living room.

“Did you shave?” Josie asked her father. She realized he hadn’t been wearing the plaid button-down shirt an hour ago. His hair had been a little less groomed, too. She leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek. “Aftershave, too.”

Her father turned an adorable shade of red.