And then there was nothing.

The room was quiet, save the crackling of the fire.

How much time passed, how long it took for the spirit to separate from his flesh, he did not know. Gone was the weakness. Gone was the hunger.

He stood, fluid and quick, to stare into the lifeless eyes of his own body. Blood covered the floor, spilled from the gaping holes he’d carved into his legs. He shook his head, the sensation light and insubstantial. He stared at his hands as he stretched his fingers toward the firelight.

In the dim light, he seemed to fade and thin – a vaporous shade. But in the shadows, he felt alive and strong once more. He stepped back, beyond the glow of the dying embers, and welcomed the weight of the shadows. His hands fisted as he peered around what had once been a lavish and abundant home. Now, it was his tomb.

He had no time for such thoughts, for such idle bitterness. He had precious little time. He was free, for now. But Thanatos would come for him, soon.

And he would lead Hades’ messenger on a long and merry chase while he exacted his revenge upon Demeter… Olympus… all who would stop him from claiming his love, his Persephone.

Chapter Fifteen

Hades stirred at Persephone’s side, but the gentle rhythm of his breath and heaviness of his body assured her he slept still. He was tired, as he should be… as she should be. But she was not, not in the least.

She could not ignore the nervousness that threatened her happiness. She had seduced him… most thoroughly. In truth, she’d seduced him first but what followed had been of mutual accord. It had been a night like no other. And her body ached deliciously. She felt fulfilled, yet swollen and needy.

Looking at him now, she knew she’d always crave him this way.

Morning was finally upon them, the start of a new day for them both. And now that she knew who he was, what he was to her, she would not lose him. She’d simply thought she loved him before. She’d had no idea. He completed her, her heart, soul and body, everything about him, his goodness, his loyalty, his duty, his humor… and now this blissful physical joining.

She would not give him up. She could not.

She whispered, “Are you awake?”

His eyes fluttered open, confused, then troubled. She sighed, watching his face stiffen and his body tighten as he woke fully. Gone was the smiling face and freedom of their night.

She shook her head, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Is it so miserable to find me in your bed?” The rise and fall of his chest was unsteady, she noted. It was something.

He whispered, “No.”

She smiled brightly at him, delighted by his quick answer. “Then I bid you good morning.”

He shook his head but a small smile found his lips. “Kalimera to you, Persephone.”

She let her eyes fall to his lips, his slight smile widening beneath her gaze. She met his eyes then leaned closer to press her lips to his.

His hand caught her hair, stilling her. She leaned into his touch and met his eyes. That furrow, so slight it was almost invisible, marred his forehead. She placed her hand upon his chest, the throb of his rapid heartbeat palpable beneath her palm. Her fingers stroked him, before splaying to lay her hand flat upon his chest. His nostrils flared and his hand tightened in her hair. He did not push her away, or pull her close. He did not release her.

The beat of his heart accelerated, emboldening her to whisper, “You love me.”

His eyes widened as he looked up at her. “You should not say such things.”

“No? Fine then, I know the truth of it whether or not you speak the words aloud.” She touched his cheek, meeting his blue-black eyes without flinching.

His hold eased. “I cannot.”

She leaned down and kissed him, a soft quick kiss. “You can, Hades. Your heart will be well treasured by me.”

He took a breath, speaking more firmly. “Such words… such feelings are fleeting…”

“If they fade, it was never love.”

He sighed. “You’ve much to say for one with such slight experience.”

She knew he was right. But she could not stop herself from defending what was in her heart. “Yet you would malign us, the goodness that is happening here, by your previous… alliance.”