Erysichthon scowled in return, his thick brows furrowing deeply while his face turned an alarming shade of red.

“Peace, your majesty,” Persephone spoke, her voice soothing. He knew that tone. It was the tone she’d used when healing the tree, in the meadow. Hades longed to push her back behind him. “You speak to…” She came around him, holding her hands out in supplication.

“You will keep your opinions to yourself, woman,” Erysichthon interrupted her, grabbing her arm and pulling her behind him. “It’s obvious he’s here with the intention of stealing you away.”

That this mortal manhandled her so was an outrage. Hades could do nothing more than stare at him. The bastard. This… this mortal… Demeter thought this man worthy of her daughter? Was she blind?

Persephone was watching him. He saw the surprise upon her face, the worry clouding her eyes. His hands fisted, the freezing heat pricking the skin of his palms. King or no, he would see this man put in his place. She shook her head, ever so slightly.

Erysichthon continued, his finger jabbing Hades’ chest. “Are you from Thrace or Sparta?”

“I am neither, mighty King.” Hades tore his gaze from Persephone’s, offering her no assurance. If this mortal sought only her safe keeping, he would be appeased, a bit. His gaze drifted, narrowing at the sight of Erysichthon’s hand tight about Persephone’s golden arm.

He glanced at her again. The shake of her head was not so subtle this time.

He drew in a deep breath, willing the fight from his palms. He would test this mortal himself, and see if he was worthy of Persephone’s hand. “I’m but a traveler.”

“You?” Erysichthon’s gaze swept him from head to toe. He snorted, clearly disbelieving. “A traveler? Well, traveler. Be on your way. You trespass on my land.”

“I was seeking Demeter’s grove. Am I mistaken? Are these not her cypress trees?” Hades’ eyes narrowed. “I would pay homage to the Goddess.”

Erysichthon laughed, loudly. “All of Thessaly is mine, traveler. If you would commune with the Goddess, you may do so… when I am finished here.”

Hades met the man’s gaze, at once struck by the hue of his eyes. They glowed, almost imperceptibly.

He glanced at Persephone then, torn. She was clearly horrified by Erysichthon’s speech. No mortal, king or no, could claim such dominion over Demeter’s grove. And all of Greece knew it. “I had no knowledge of such an arrangement…”

“You know of it now,” Erysichthon stooped, his face inches from Hades. “Be gone with you.”

Persephone stepped forward, softly pleading, “Your majesty…”

He held his arm up, forcing her behind him. “Hold your tongue, woman.”

Hades would kill him. His hands tightened, burning cold. His body tensed, welcoming the challenge before him. He smiled when Erysichthon, too, seemed to tighten and ready.

“Be gone, or I will make you go,” Erysichthon bit out.

Hades glanced at her then. She shook her head fiercely, her eyes round and pleading. She would see no bloodshed. She asked him to spare this man.

He stepped back, though every muscle in his body rebelled.

She sighed, smiling her thanks. She gripped Erysichthon’s arm. “Come, my king, let us find our way back to our feast.”

Hades would not look at the man, for fear of sending his soul straight to Tartarus.

“You, traveler, will leave. Now,” Erysichthon growled at Hades.

Hades watched, fighting his fury as Erysichthon’s meaty hand grabbed Persephone’s arm. He stared, stunned as the mortal pulled her along behind him.

He could not stand by. He took one step, but she turned back.

“No,” she whispered, shaking her head. “Please.”

He shook his head, shifting from one foot to the next. He made no effort to keep the anger from his face. He had no restraint left, his jaw tightening as he sucked in breath sharply.

She smiled at him t

hen, before Erysichthon pulled her down a line of cypress trees and out of his sight.