Persephone could not stop smiling. He was here.

He shook his head, but drew the horses up when they reached the meadow.

She jumped from the tree and ran to them. “You tarried.”

He turned to her, surprised. And she saw his smile before it disappeared. Oh, what a smile. She took a steadying breath as she drew closer, watching as he stepped down from the chariot car and began unlacing the team’s harness. “What of your hounds? Are they close?”

“The hounds are with Thanatos, hunting shades, or guarding Tartarus. They know their duty without my constant guidance.” He glanced at her as he spoke, but she refused to be chastened.

“Let me help.” She skipped about the chariot, sliding her hand along the flank of the horse. “And who are you?” she asked the animal.

“He is Nyctaeus, beside him stands Alastor.” Hades’ eyes met hers over the horses’ backs. “And you’ve met Orphnaeus and Aethon.”

She nodded, feeling her lungs tighten under the weight of his gaze. Her hands fumbled briefly before she managed to slip the straps from the harness. “You have the most beautiful horses I’ve ever seen.”

“They will run,” he warned.

She ran back, jumping into his chariot as he pulled the harness free.

They bolted. In a thunder of hooves and flying earth, the horses ran. She laughed, catching no more than a glimpse of their tails, streaming on the wind behind them. She narrowed her eyes but in the dusk of twilight, the animals were quickly lost to the shadows.

“They know these hills.” His voice startled her.

“You give them leave to run here?”

He shrugged. “Not often enough.”

She climbed down from the chariot and walked to him. “You should… You should bring them more often. Soon.” That she would delight in his company she kept to herself.

He regarded her, but said nothing.

She gazed back, smiling slightly. “How did they receive your news?”

And still he stared at her.

She swallowed.

“Your mother would see you married.” His words were low.

Her heart stopped and her lungs tightened in anticipation. How could he know such a thing? Unless… her heart began to pound… Had her mother asked Hades? She’d never thought her mother would consider such a match.

But why not? Where else would she be as safe? Her safety was all Demeter wanted. There was no place safer than the Underworld.

Her heart rejoiced. Never had she felt such joy.

She longed to place her hand upon his arm. Instead she clasped hands tightly together, saying, “Yes. She would.”

“To Hermes.” His voice remained even, though his gaze turned to the sky. “Tell me, do you know him well?”

She released her breath, fighting the sorrow that flooded her. What a silly fool I am.

“You know him?” he repeated.

She laughed, a nervous, breathy laugh. “He has always been kind to me. He visits mother often, for Zeus or matters of import.”

“Are you pleased with his suit?”

Persephone turned from him, walking through the tall grass to pluck a white lily. She had too little time with him to let her disappointment ruin it. She turned back to him and shrugged. “I suppose one is no different than the rest? At least Hermes is immortal. I could not bear to wed a mortal, to watch him fade before my eyes. Such pain would be unspeakable, I think…”