He was well pleased that he caught himself before he waved in return.


“You would be wise to marry her, dear Hermes.” Demeter’s words were the first he heard.

But then, only Hermes and Demeter sat in the Council Chamber as yet.

“Hades.” Hermes rose, clasping forearms with him. “I fear you will be plagued more regularly by me in the days to come.”

Hades nodded. “I will tolerate it.”

Hermes laughed.

Demeter did not.

Hades glanced at her briefly, hating the mix of pity and disdain that marred the lady’s lovely brow. His gaze remained as he considered Demeter. As lovely as she was, she could not compare to her daughter, in face nor form. Persephone was rounder, softer, she smiled…

“You wound me, sir. Or do you bear me a grudge for losing to me at Tavli?”

“I bear you no grudges, Hermes,” Hades admitted. “You’ve skill with the dice.”

“Even Hades finds little to fault in you.” Demeter took Hermes’ arm. “I entreat you, consider my offer. Would it be such a chore, to have my beautiful daughter as wife?”

Hades froze.

“And I tell you again Demeter, Persephone deserves better.” Hermes shook his head, a warm smile upon his face.

“Is there better?” Demeter asked, fluttering her eyelashes shamelessly.

If he’d had the urge to flee from Persephone, it could not compare with his desire to do so now.

“There is, I assure you. While I am fond of your sweet daughter…” Hermes began.

He knows Persephone? Hades sat in his throne, assuming a pose of casual interest.

“… I would not care for her heart as dearly as she deserves,” Hermes continued, “For I’ve a wandering eye. My passion will not be tamed by one woman, no matter the woman.”

Would a man want another if Persephone was his wife? He stiffened, angry with himself. He leaned his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes. He could see her hair in the sunlight, how her eyes sparkled when she smiled.

“Hades, I implore you. Come to my aid,” Hermes spoke. “Demeter thinks me a fitting husband for her daughter.”

Hades opened his eyes to find them both staring at him. “Is there a man worthy of her?”

He saw the widening of Demeter’s brown eyes, the quizzical turn of Hermes’ mouth. Had he uttered such words, aloud?

“You should be honored, Hermes, if Demeter thinks you are worthy of her.” He waited, watching Demeter smile with pleasure and Hermes sigh in defeat.

He relaxed.

“Demeter thinks you are worthy of who?” Poseidon asked, sauntering into the Council Chamber.

Hades stiffened, as did Demeter and Hermes.

Poseidon smiled. “I’ve interrupted a scheme? One you wish to keep from me?”

Hades knew his brother would not rest until he was answered. But Demeter was struck silent with shock and Hermes red with embarrassment. None would have Poseidon on Persephone’s trail or know that Demeter sought to wed her daughter.

“It is no business of yours.” Demeter’s eyes narrowed as she spoke. “Must you always meddle?”