Hades was stunned. Mighty Aethon, known to bite and tear flesh, yielded to her touch? Perhaps the beasts could sense her as deity? Perhaps she was capable of magic? Did she cast all living things in her thrall?

His memory had not captured her lovely face, the curve of her lips and sparkle of her eyes well enough. And now, she seemed to beckon to him.

Yes. Yes, she was magical. He could feel her power creeping over him; it was most unsettling.

She spoke to Aethon, stroking the stallion’s forelock with gentle fingers. “You are a handsome beast.”

Enough of this. “He is not meant for such company.” His voice sounded cold and distant, which pleased him. “He is not a pet. He is a charger.”

She nodded, not in the least offended, as she continued to run her hands along animal’s neck. “He is indeed one of the more fearsome creatures I have ever seen.”

He was at a loss. “Why are you here?”

“I was waiting for you.” Her green eyes met his.

Her answer startled him, rendering him speechless. His chest felt unaccountably heavy and strangely warm, but he ignored it. She had waited for him. She had waited… for him?

“My mother was summoned by Zeus, you see. She said all had been summoned. Which meant you might also be called upon.” She smiled again, her green eyes never wavering from his. “I hoped this would be your route. The grass told me it was, and they were right. They normally are. They have no need to deceive, I suppose.”

He remained silent, contemplating her purpose. What game was she playing?

“Does it trouble you, my lying in wait?” She blushed then, further disorienting him. “I only thought… I wanted to…” She shrugged, growing redder with each uncertain word.

Finally her gaze fell from his, releasing him to breathe and think once more. He raked his hand across his face and drew in a ragged breath.

This would not do.

She wanted what? He swallowed. Why had she waited for him? Why did it matter to him? His hands fisted, clenching the reins.

His words were hard, “You are alone again?”

She should not be alone. It was not safe… He stiffened. She was none of his concern.

She nodded. “Mother is on Olympus already. And my attendants are off collecting wool.” She paused. “Rather, that’s what they told my mother. In truth, they’ve gone to meet their lovers, I think. Myrinne was missing hers greatly, or so she said last night. It would be taxing, if one was used to such… companionship, to go without. Don’t you think?”

Hades could not contain the small smile that her words stirred. “You are fond of speaking.”

She laughed. “It’s necessary to become acquainted with someone. If you have an interest in making new acquaintances, you should converse with them. I should think. Do you agree?”

His smile was irrepressible. “That is why you’re here? Lying in wait for me? So that we might become better acquainted with one another?”

She blushed, but nodded.

He found no artifice, or coy affectations. Either she was a master at such games or she spoke the truth. But it could not be true, for that made no sense. He shook his head, hardening himself. He pressed the smile from his face and turned his gaze toward the mountain.

He would end this now. “I see no need. You would be wise to return home before your mother finds you out, alone... again.” He glanced at her, though he knew he should not.

Her face fell, a strangely vexing expression. He did not like to see her so. Nor did he like to be the cause of such displeasure.

No. No, he was in the right. She would be well rid of him and he must be rid of her.

“I have matters on Olympus…” he started.

“The war? So many have fallen.”

“I’ve returned a soldier to the Land of the Living.” Why had he told her?

Her green eyes regarded him, her sweet smile returning. “Why?”