She turned, smiling at him. “It’s lovely.”

He hadn’t moved. He lay, resting on his elbow as his fingers plucked at the grass. His face was still, not rigid or hard, but thoughtful as he watched her. She was relieved. She would not lose this fragile truce they’d found. She must take better care with her words.

She called out to him, missing his closeness. “Will you join me?”

He sat up, shaking his head. But he said, while smiling that smile she loved so dearly, “I will.”

Her eyes feasted upon him as he stood. He was lean and tall, his muscles clearly visible with his every motion. She’d been right when she’d first spied him. He was carved, hard and jagged, as the mountains of Greece. Her eyes found his, deep and blue.

He walked into the water, lowering himself with a loud sigh.

“I agree,” she murmured, laying back in the water and closing her eyes.

The only thing that would make this day perfect was the heat of Apollo’s orb, hot upon her bare skin. She opened her eyes, staring up at the sky overhead. The sun was there, faded behind the layers of cloud and gray that separated this realm from that of the living. But to feel such warmth, she’d be there, in the land above and not here.

No, she thought with a glance at Hades, nothing could make this day more perfect.


Water hit Hades squarely in the face, followed by a peal of laughter.

He sputtered, wiping the water from his eyes as he turned to Persephone. Her hands covered her mouth as she continued to giggle. She peered at him over her hand, waiting.

He laughed, unable to stop himself.

And her face, the pure joy that shone from deep inside of her, tore his heart free. Damn her, she left him no choice.

She splashed him again, her laughter giddy as she dove beneath the water.

He loved her.

He stared at the pond’s surface, saw her lithe form dart away from him under its depths, and swam after her. He had no idea what he’d do when he caught her, he just knew he needed to touch her. This realization did little to provide him comfort, or happiness. His feelings meant he was vulnerable, and that was a weakness he’d taken pains to avoid these long years.

Fear. True fear, threatened to consume him. He would lose her, in time. He knew it.

She rose up amongst a shower of drops raining down on him. He pulled her into his arms.

“Persephone,” he murmured, noting the dimple in her cheek, the way her curls were almost black from the water, and her smile… She’d a smile like no other.

And he loved her.

Her face grew serious as he regarded her. Too serious.

He planted his hand upon her head and submerged her beneath the water. She came up sputtering, her eyes wide with astonished outrage.

“You… you…” she blinked, pushing her sodden curls from her face.

“Yes?” he asked, pulling her against him again. He could not deny himself. She slid, silky and soft, along his chest. His hands pressed along the line of her back, gently molding himself to her.


“Answered your challenge?”

She stopped, her open mouth curving into a bright smile. “You did.”

He sighed. He loved her.

She leaned forward, hesitant, and offered her mouth to him.