“He cares for me, something he, like his master, finds a flaw versus a gift?”

Hades sighed loudly. “He would not think it a weakness. He’s always been loyal.”

“Always? Has he been with you so long, in your realm?”

He nodded. “Long enough. The three of them, mother, father, and son, came to me after their death. But they were not content to simply be. They wanted work and service, to be of use to me.”

“And they are happy now?” she asked.

He shrugged. “Happy? They were betrayed by those they loved best. Seeking purpose is enough.” He felt her eyes upon him, knew she was finding the meaning behind his words. Indeed, why had he said them?

He continued, hoping to distract her. “They will not tire or slow until their prey is caught. Out of my realm, they move too quickly for the mortal eye to see them. But a soul, one trying to outwit death, stands no chance against them.”

He felt her shiver and pulled her closer.

“What were they… before?”

He rolled on to his side. “’Tis a sad tale, Persephone.”

She looked at him, resting her cheek on her arm. “Oh, I see. Perhaps later then?”

He nodded, yet another smile finding its way to his lips.

She chewed on her lower lip, lost in thought. When she spoke, she had yet another question for him. He admired her mind, the need for answers.

“Does Death… Thanatos bring them all back? The dead, I mean. Surely not?” She looked doubtful.

“No. He spends most of his time collecting those who run from their fate. Most of the souls he collects are for Tartarus.” He watched the hounds, running in circles. “Many times they go with him, hunting at his side. They’ve not been long at home in recent months.”

She turned back to the dogs, thoughtful as she watched their playful antics. “They seem happy to be home now.”

“As you can imagine, Thanatos is an even less merry companion than I,” he murmured.

Her surprised green gaze met his as startled laughter burst from her. Her head fell back on the grass and her laughter continued. It was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. And somehow he was the cause of it? The pain, sharp and quick, was like a blow to the chest. But the pain was replaced with a rising warmth, building within him until his lungs felt strained and his throat compressed. Her laugh, her smile, the joy clear upon her features, intensified the sensation.


nbsp; “Such a peculiar sound to hear here…” His words slipped from him, unaware.

She stilled, her hand coming to rest on his cheek. “In the Underworld?”

“There’s little in the way of joy here.” He looked away. If he could erase the past, forget what it was to have trust broken so thoroughly, he might have joy. He would take what she was so willing to offer him.

“You’ve a duty, to be sure. But you’ve the right for happiness as well, Hades. I know of no one else who’s earned such a right, as you.” Her voice was soft, almost pleading to his ears. “You deserve happiness, laughter, and love…”

He’d never wanted such things, never known them to be missing from his life… until now. He sat up quickly, ignoring her when she did the same. And yet she continued to watch him, waiting. From the corner of his eye he could see the worry and sadness lining the sweetness of her face.

Again, his chest tightened.

Why was he so acutely aware of her? When she moved, as she did now, he tensed, waiting… for her… to leave… to scorn him?

Instead she moved close beside him, taking his hand in hers. Relief swept through him. He would not cling to her. He would not hold it against his cheek and turn into her touch. He stared at their hands until he’d calmed himself. Then he looked at her.

She looked back at him with color staining her cheeks. “You do, Hades. Do you never long for such things?”

His eyes met hers, stunning him into silence. Could she love him? For there was a sheen to her eyes that went beyond desire. Such affection would fade when she returned to her mother. “I am content with my duties, Persephone. I have no need or longing for more.”

She smiled slightly. “No need? You’ve sacrificed your lack of need and longing to appease my own?” She shook her head, blushing. “No need.”